I’m a systems librarian in an academic library. I moved over the Lemmy after Rexxit 2023. I’ve had an account on since 2009 (under a different username), and so I chose this instance out of a sense of nostalgia. I do all sorts of fiber arts (knitting, cross stitch, sewing) and love dogs.
- Comment on Free Him! 1 week ago:
I read it more as ignorant and rude than racist. Like, if I said “all y’all ought to do blah” and was questioned on it, I’d assume the questioner just hadn’t been exposed to folks with that dialect.
Or like how my brother would make fun of people with a Boston accent while he was a tourist in Boston, getting directions from someone with a Boston accent. Ignorant and rude.
Of course, I’m white AF and my primary exposure to AAVE is online, so I might be totally missing subtext/context/supertext.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 2 weeks ago:
TBF, Hitlerdid kill Hitler.
- Comment on Is there a google extention that lets me resize any textbox on any website? 2 weeks ago:
Awesome! I’m glad you got it to work (sorry I dropped off the earth–i forgot I have a commute)
- Comment on Is there a google extention that lets me resize any textbox on any website? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know of a plugin that does that, but if you like I can write you a how-to on how to do it in a desktop browser. It’s not wicked complicated. Ping me if no one has a better suggestion–if you tell me the website, I can even tailor the walkthrough to that website.
You could also type your text out in notepad, then copy and paste that into the web text box.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 2 months ago:
Thanks. My ancestors avoided WWI and WWII by emigrating to America. I can’t judge them for that, so it feels fair to give myself the same option.
- Comment on Is there any way our of the US political spiral? 2 months ago:
I really don’t know. Me personally, I’m pursuing citizenship in an EU country so I can at least have an exit strategy other than “drive to Canada and hope they let me in”. Other than that, I’m active in my union and I talk with my neighbors. I walk my dog and am visibly a Nice Normal Person who happens to be Queer.
It’s scary being queer here, so I might tone that down a bit as I get more scared. Which is what They want, but, hey, I’m scared.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 2 months ago:
So, how did you go about doing that? Did you pay a company to guide you through the process or what? TBH, I’m a bit intimidated by interacting with a foreign government potentially in Polish, a language I do not speak.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 2 months ago:
Similarly fuzzy! I think they mostly came from the “Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria” region of Poland. Some definitely have “Galicia” on their earlier census records, then later records for the same relatives say Poland. Other relatives waffle between Poland and Russia. t National borders are so fuzzy.
The other side of the family is from Appalachia since the 1800s, but sometimes can’t decide if they’re born in TN or KY because they were from a disputed region.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 2 months ago:
And that’s the true story of how I learned all my Polish ancestors came over before modern Poland was a thing, and thus didn’t have Polish citizenship to pass on.
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 2 months ago:
I started therapy and my therapist helped me see that my fucked-up childhood left me with lots of triggers, which we examined. Understanding those triggers reduced their power. I also now understand I can leave stressful situations before I blow up. I don’t have to constantly mask.
So, therapy. It’s awesome. If your first therapist isn’t a good fit it’s ok to find another one.
- Comment on Childhood in the 80s 2 months ago:
Oh, no. My mom wouldn’t let me watch Beetlejuice because he’s a demon.
- Comment on Perry, beloved donkey of Bol Park who served as the Donkey model for Shrek, dies at 30 2 months ago:
Thanks. It was the toughest decision of my life, but once I’d made it I knew it was the right decision. No regrets.
We’re currently watching our elderly (~16yo) pup with early kidney failure and hoping he stays enthusiastic as long as possible. He’s a sleepy boy but still enjoys his hobbies, and seems unbothered by his health conditions (except that his kidney food is less interesting than any other food.)
- Comment on Perry, beloved donkey of Bol Park who served as the Donkey model for Shrek, dies at 30 2 months ago:
Thank you for clarifying.
After I put my dog 5 years ago (because end-stage kidney failure) I have a better appreciation for the idea of not letting a critter suffer. The part of the article that rubbed me wrong was when they were just like “well, we’ll wait and hope things get better”. Hope is not a strategy.
- Comment on Perry, beloved donkey of Bol Park who served as the Donkey model for Shrek, dies at 30 2 months ago:
Not a equine person, but the article says he also had a condition that made a leg sore, causing him to (technical term) tripod. Wouldn’t that habitual 3-legged stance also cause overload of the remaining legs, similar to being overweight?
- Comment on Water 2 months ago:
I have a dog, so I’m bringing up the average. We’ve got (dog-sare) tennis balls galore!
- Comment on what works for you to let go? 2 months ago:
Whenever I get into an argument with someone on the Internet and I keep arguing with them past the point I should stop (it’s useless or I’m just wicked frustrated) I set up a monthly donation to something that would piss them off. And that’s why I have monthly donations to Sesame Street, the ACLU, and the SPLC.
- Comment on Nom nom 2 months ago:
Am librarian and can confirm: we all do this. It mostly comes up when shelving or retrieving books.
- Comment on I walked all over the damn store looking for butter 2 months ago:
Bloom did it 15ish years ago. They even had an electronic kiosk where you could look up your item. (I’m not sure if Bloom the grocery store still exists.)
I’ve seen other places have a rotating list on the cart handle, which listed where common items would be.
- Comment on Is it ethical for a parent to distribute inheritance based on the child(ren)'s mental capacity (aka refusing to give an inheritance to child(ren) with reduced mental capacity)? 3 months ago:
Or, if you have an inkling that you won’t split everything evenly, at least talk to the kids about it. My mom has 2 kids. She’s told me she’s giving a greater proportion to my brother and I’m ok with that.
My brother is a drug addicted felon and has always needed/gotten more support than I have needed/gotten.
I’m distant from my mom by choice (we didn’t have a healthy relationship) and I’m a functioning adult with a lovely partner, a stable job, and a competent therapist.
Mom’s told me she’s putting things into a trust for benefit of my brother, but I don’t know that she’s done that and it’s not my problem.
Anyways, I guess the takeaway is it’s ok for your kids to think dividing the inheritance unevenly means you love them unevenly if they’re not wrong.
- Comment on nuclear 3 months ago:
Spicy rocks make water hot.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 3 months ago:
According to the 2021 census, trans people are 5% of the population. Jewish people are 4% of the population. Where is your cutoff for what population is too minor to care about?
- Comment on I can't imagine being paid to act like I enjoy working in the office 3 months ago:
I did like working in an open office back in a previous career. I did QA and was integrated with a team of devs. It was lovely to turn to the person whose code I was testing and ask for clarification on a behavior. There really was a lot of teamwork facilitated by the lack of privacy.
The office had small rooms with doors where you could make phone calls without distracting everyone.
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 4 months ago:
I took all my meds on time, and so did my dog.
Oh! I also baked a pizza and it was really tasty. Pup didn’t get pizza, but did get oven-dried fish skins and he’s really happy about that.
- Comment on Eels 5 months ago:
Adorbs, but can’t hold a candle to the garden eel. Mostly because they both live underwater.
- Comment on I just opened an overpriced can of fancy soup and on the label, along with the expected stuff like 'gluten-free' and 'GMO-free,' was 'mustard free' and 'celery free.' Is that a thing now? 5 months ago:
It is hard to find onion-free chicken stock. My dog goes nuts for chicken but is a fussy eater otherwise, so we’re always on the lookout for dog-friendly stock to add to his kibble.
I don’t eat pig and Applebee’s adds bacon to their Mac and cheese. They list like 8 different cheeses in the description but don’t mention the bacon. Parents didn’t want me to make a fuss so I ate it. That was not fun. (This was years ago, ymmv, I don’t talk to those parents anymore because reasons.)
- Comment on I just opened an overpriced can of fancy soup and on the label, along with the expected stuff like 'gluten-free' and 'GMO-free,' was 'mustard free' and 'celery free.' Is that a thing now? 5 months ago:
Me and mine have various food sensitivities (latex, nightshades, pork). I use an android app “fig” to check things at the grocery store–scan the barcode and Fig tells me who shouldn’t eat it and why. It does smart things like label “spices” as yellow because maybe it’s peppers maybe it’s not. The free version is sufficient for one person. The paid version lets you add more profiles.
- Comment on Sorry to be a bother... 5 months ago:
I like you, Cock_Inspecting_Asexual. You have a way with words.
- Comment on Do remote workers actually work? Yes, but they also shop and shower 6 months ago:
My last office had a gym and a shower. It was awesome back when I to was “between wells” at my house and so didn’t have any water pressure for a couple of weeks.
(Oh the glorious day when my new well got hooked up and I could take a bath in my own home again!)
- Comment on One car accident, endless spam calls 6 months ago:
Technically, it’s not been my municipality that’s charged me, but those around me and where I work. I don’t vote there. My town didn’t exist when the people I’m researching were making records. And at the state level, it comes up every few years but dies in committee. Last time was in 2020, when it died due to the pandemic changes everyone’s focus. I’ll ping my local congresscritter and see if it can be revived–the person advocating for change recently retired, sadly.
- Comment on One car accident, endless spam calls 6 months ago:
Accurate. I both misread your comment and I have a bee in my bonnet about a $20 fee to take pictures of something you can examine for free.