How in the fuck is the x files not on it. You’re going to look me in the face and say lost is better than the x files.
“Sorry, I just love cliffhangers that have no purpose other than to add commercial breaks and then not actually pay off.”
You’re going to tell me friends, the show that wrote the book for basic ass misunderstanding sitcoms is better than the x files.
I better just have missed it, or this world really is fucked.
Also what about ER? And SVU? Just the Robin Williams episode alone should be at like #14.
And wasn’t MASH the most watched show ever at one point?
At least Chernobyl is right where it belongs. 4 days ago
It’s one of my personal favorites, but I am still a bit surprised to see House so high on the list.
Imo one notable absence from this list is “The good place”, which imo is among the all time greats, managing to stay consistently good from start to finish.
Also I actually haven’t seen the other true detective seasons, but heard they aren’t even close to as good as the first one. So i assume the rating is heavily carried by it? 4 days ago
The Good Place is so forking good. 3 days ago
I think the show is great. But man as someone who’se actually studied Moral Philosophy, the show is really tough to watch because it oversimplifies and misinterprets so much and Chidi is just not a believable character if you know what you’re talking about.