The title is vague, so here’s the title of the actual study the article is based on:
Weaponizing the Workplace: How Algorithmic Management Shaped Amazon’s Antiunion Campaign in Bessemer, Alabama>
Also, the problem isn’t the algorithms used for the work. The problem is the metrics they expect employees to consistently hit. The technology isn’t the problem, they just expect too much from their employees.
Source: Worked in a lot of different Amazon buildings 1 week ago
Many people who have been in abusive work situations know that there’s a point when you should leave but the constant drain from the abuse keeps you in a state of exhaustion that prevents any action. It’s often only once this makes you so physically sick that you have to take the time off and realize this can’t go on any longer.
I believe this is the zone where Amazon wants to keep their employees. Fully exhausted, given up on any possible improvement.
If you find yourself in a situation like this, run like fuck. 1 week ago
Ok but what do I do when it’s the entire country 1 week ago