- Comment on Amazon accused of using algorithms to push warehouse workers to breaking point 1 week ago:
The title is vague, so here’s the title of the actual study the article is based on:
Weaponizing the Workplace: How Algorithmic Management Shaped Amazon’s Antiunion Campaign in Bessemer, Alabama>
Also, the problem isn’t the algorithms used for the work. The problem is the metrics they expect employees to consistently hit. The technology isn’t the problem, they just expect too much from their employees.
Source: Worked in a lot of different Amazon buildings
- Comment on Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable about many Americans constantly calling people "black" and "white" and making such a big thing about it? 2 weeks ago:
They’re not justifying racism, they’re explaing how the US has gotten to where it is today and why people act as they do. The culture here regarding it is different compared to most parts of Europe, and people generally are trying very much to combat these issues. But as this is a deeply cultural and historical undertaking in the US, a lot of change - cultural, political, or otherwise - will happen very slowly and will not always appear progressive. Seit du Deutsch bist, weißt du, Fortschritt ist kompliziert.
- Comment on Former Mass Effect lead writer says new narrative-focused studio will "avoid painting ourselves in a corner" 1 year ago:
This sounds like it could work well, just hope they aren’t given short or unrealistic deadlines by NetEase. The people he’s assembled thus far have released amazing material during their careers when they were given enough time.
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Yeah lmao hardcore mode is no joke in the early game
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
I’m trying to learn how to read in war-torn Bohemia in the High Medieval Ages :/
- Comment on Simple, right? 1 year ago:
I think you underestimate how much energy most commercial offices / buildings uses compared to a house.
- Comment on Bosses and workers still can’t agree on whether the commute is part of the work day, and it’s creating a $578 billion productivity problem 1 year ago:
In many Labor Economic Models, the distinction in Time is measured as Time spent working vs Time spent not working, in which the commute is factored. Many companies deal with people’s reluctance to commute by offering better pay or better benefits (if they’re seeking specific skillsets that are more difficult to find close by), but sometimes you find a gem like your company.
I know it would be difficult to implement for many companies, but I wish more companies did something like that when they could. The company I work for doesn’t pay for commutes from home, but will pay for them if you are temporarily relocated to a different office by calculating the distance between the two offices and average fuel price
- Comment on We are all made of carbon 1 year ago:
Read my edit. I think I’m being misunderstood, and I don’t think I clearly communicated what I was trying to. Your second paragraph literally summarized what I was trying to convey, but I’m better at numbers and graphs than I am with words lol
- Comment on We are all made of carbon 1 year ago:
Right. There are many factors at play that lead to these outcomes, and there are always outliers
- Comment on We are all made of carbon 1 year ago:
Ay carbón
- Comment on We are all made of carbon 1 year ago:
Something vaguely related to this topic is the fact that countries with more laws designed to abate climate changing effects are also experiencing a slowdown in the rate with which they have children. Whereas many countries with relatively high birthrates generally do not have very strict climate standards. Overall levels of general education also play into this.
- Comment on The good ending 1 year ago:
Sharing is caring :)
- Comment on How could we have let this happen? 1 year ago:
Americans are more like the English than they realize lol