So I drive humans to the hospital for money. Sometimes they come to us, which isn’t really the norm and we lose all sense of structure when you come to the door. But we deal.
One day we hear a car race up and screeeeeech to a stop in front of the bay door. “Help help he’s dying, I’ve been trying CPR but nothing is helping.”
Wow shit ok. Kick into gear, getting ready for a dead person in the car, and she rushes to the back door and hauls out a limp cat.
We love animals, so we stay in gear, but this is a trip also. I take the kitty and my heart breaks because they’re so limp and I don’t feel breathing and I’m preparing to tell her the cat has died but I feel a breath. Another like 15 seconds later.
Cat is down, not dead. We put some blow by oxygen by kitty and were about to probably give breaths like in the post - something we wouldn’t do on a human - and I’m sure we were both mentally debating how much naloxone and if we’d get fired.
And then another car screeches up and it’s the local vet! Swoops in and injects the cat and it wakes up and chills in the carrier. Also refuses transport.
Rural life is cool. 1 month ago
without the pointless censorship
Image 1 month ago
What social networks are really requiring this censoring? I have used Facebook, Twitter in years and never really got into the other corporate networks but I don’t remember any of them caring about this. 1 month ago
Content creators live to serve the algorithms of their respective platforms and will do anything to be promoted by it. It’s thought that images with anything “offensive” in it will be ignored by the algorithm so content creators have started censoring themselves just in case. I’m not sure if there’s any hard evidence, but it’s not totally unfounded. YouTube announced they scan the audio of content and determine what level of monetization it’s allowed to have based on the severity of cursing in it. 1 month ago
Yeah, depending on when you left “conventional social media”, you missed out all of that.
That is the very same mechanism that, as of recent, censors/censored every mention and discussion of the Fediverse, alternative OSes, or any other way to fight back against these corporate forces. How dare people want to communicate freely and in their own way!? 1 month ago
Hey thanks 1 month ago
Fuck yeah