Job hunting is so fucking demoralizing.
This is probably an unpopular take, and it should be noted that I’m just totally disregarding the whole personal data aspect of this, but… I kinda appreciate it when I’m given some kind of way to provide feedback on stuff like this. If there was one part of the process that was more absurd than even I expected, or if just the whole thing is shit, I prefer to be able to express that. Maybe it just makes me feel better I guess. Sometimes it’s cathartic to chew out a survey form over something that was so egregious that it’s made me angry.
I’m also a huge advocate for exit interviews though. Somebody quits, ask them why, what was good, what was bad. Fire someone, ask them just the same. A lot of my work experience has been yearly contracts where termination is scheduled, expected, and common, but I do think other types of employers would benefit from actually proactively seeking feedback.
This example probably isn’t that and the employer is probably shit, but I just wanted to put that out there. 4 weeks ago
At least they tell you you didn’t pass. The norm is not answering. 4 weeks ago
Had it not been for the second part of the message, I think they wouldn’t have bothered. 4 weeks ago
This is the reason. 4 weeks ago
Actually to me this doesn’t sound so bad. Yes OP is rejected and that sucks. Beyond that they ask you to fill out a survey which they hope will improve their future hiring process. I am sceptical that they will get anything useful out of the survey, but I really do not see the problem tbh.