- Comment on 1987 5 days ago:
Properly fired it’s pretty tough to get any meaningful amount of lead out of a glaze on ceramics.
I’d bet they did it because of pressure from customers.
- Comment on Working-class creatives don’t stand a chance in UK today, leading artists warn 1 week ago:
What’s your point? The Private schooling/Oxbridge education is a marker of wealth.
What’s going unsaid here is that for a while it was possible, because of a functioning welfare state, that an approximation of the fallback that rich people had was available to the rest of us povvos; this is the issue. It also applies to business as well as art too, to be fair. Rupert can found a business selling bespoke cat earrings or whatever and if it fails he has a fall back. If I try to run a business that’s shit or doesn’t make money and it fails and I default on my mortgage.
It’s standard pearl clutching because the concentration of people who can afford to work in creative industries in the upper economic echelons of society is something worth complaining about because it matters and we’re culturally poorer as a result.
- Comment on UN calls out treatment of prisoners after attack on arms company 1 week ago:
“attack” is doing some very heavy lifting here.
- Comment on Godstone: Huge sinkhole swallows up more of Surrey street - BBC News 1 week ago:
- Comment on Revealed: The Tommy Robinson Supporters Network With Links to Neo-Nazi Groups and a Library of Terrorism Manuals 1 week ago:
- Comment on Lessons for Britain from Milton Keynes 1 week ago:
Although the government is using the phrase “new towns”, most of them likely won’t be: they’ll instead be extensions of existing settlements, not so much new towns as new suburbs.
Ah, so we won’t be building more actually livable spaces, just tacking on house building to already stressed developments. Gotcha.
I’m all for more home building, but this isn’t the answer, at least not without sensible planning (which doesn’t exist because “it takes too long”).
What would actually make sense would be to build actual new towns which can be done, and done well, but it’s obviously a bigger commitment. It seems like they’re taking the wrong lessons from Milton Keynes. As much as it pains me to admit, Price Charles’ new town is a great example of what can be done if the will is there to do it.
- Comment on Retail giant Monsoon's CEO calls on UK to scrap tax loopholes benefitting Shein 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know why I never considered this.
I work for a German company and wondered why our internal prices were so high!
- Comment on Right-Wing politics 3 weeks ago:
He’s appeared in a few podcasts I listen to - he’s at the very least unbelievably polite in them.
- Comment on Right-Wing politics 3 weeks ago:
In anything I’ve ever seen him in (as himself) he comes across as a very nice chap. I hope I’m never shown to be ill informed.
- Comment on As Labour touts more brutal cuts to benefits, how is this different from life under the Tories? | Frances Ryan 3 weeks ago:
Annoyingly they’re doing actually objectionable stuff and all anyone seems to hark back to is the fuel allowance being cut to kill pensioners or however the Tories, Nick Ferrari, et al. want to frame it.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Thanks - same to you!
I think it’s a combo of being a “real” adult, thinking about the implications of things going on in the world (on yourself and everyone else) and the world being a mess.
Still, at least I’m old enough to be comfortable in my self (even if it’s anxious, unfit, and aching) and generally happy to just be.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
That’s an awesome set of improvements - well done!
I can’t promise to be any use to you, but I’m glad to swap ideas about what the fuck to make of our 30s…
- Comment on A bit rubbery... 3 weeks ago:
I mean, there’s a number of popular raw ground meat products that are safely produced (mettbrotchen, tartare, etc) - it’s a problem of quality control more often than not.
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 3 weeks ago:
I’ve always heard this used to mean “I’ve gotta leave quickly” rather than going to bathroom; but I’m British so it might not hold the same meaning of you’re not also!
- Comment on UK would need forest ‘twice size of London’ to offset new airport expansion. 4 weeks ago:
There’s an ingenious machine the french used to stop individuals producing CO2. I don’t recall her name though.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Only if their mothers were as well
- Comment on Gig economy firms warned by UK government they may be operating illegally 4 weeks ago:
You need to make more donations to the party in government my dude 😎
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 4 weeks ago:
I really enjoyed it, although I do wish it wasn’t so “draw the rest of the owl”.
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 4 weeks ago:
We get a tax free allowance of £12,570 annually, and then it’s banded from there: Income from £12571 to £14876 is taxed at 19% Income from £14877 to £26562 is taxed at 20% From £26523 to £43662 is taxed at 21% From £43663 to £75000 it’s 42% £75001 to £125140 it’s 45% And anything north of that is 48%
This is calculated on income after any deductions from pay are made, like national insurance contributions, pension scheme payment, salary sacrifice schemes, student loan repayments and so on.
- Comment on "Please fill out this survey about how we didn't hire you." 4 weeks ago:
Fair enough - I didn’t realise it was for visa requirements until I read the rest of the comments; my bile got the better of me…
- Comment on UK would need forest ‘twice size of London’ to offset new airport expansion. 4 weeks ago:
Yeah but, how can you squeeze profit from that?
- Comment on "Please fill out this survey about how we didn't hire you." 4 weeks ago:
I’ve worked for Fraser Group (in a very different capacity) and you absolutely have dodged a bullet; they’re an absolute shit show and are responsible for a large amount of the enshittification of the UK’s high street.
The owners are shitbags and the rest of the hierarchy takes notes and shit downstream.
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 4 weeks ago:
In the UK we don’t pay any vat on “essential” goods. And we have a raft of tax relief for lower earners.
Not that it helps much, but it’s better than a poke in the eye.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 5 weeks ago:
The used to be - I had a flat that used an old style fused breaker. Fun times trying to replace a fuse when it had blown…
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Gary always comes across as a bit of a grifter - couldn’t say what exactly it is about him, but he makes me uneasy reading stuff by or about him.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
A nation which legislates against fathers fucking their sons?
- Comment on Benefit cheats could lose driving licences in anti-fraud drive 5 weeks ago:
Never mind a lot, it’s most of the country.
Unless you live in a large city you’re basically screwed without a car. The public transport here is atrocious.
- Comment on Anon is an engineer 2 months ago:
As originally conceived, the engineer’s iron ring rubs against the drawings and paper upon which the Engineer writes and even in modern times, serves as a reminder when working on a computer.
Think it’s intended more for the design engineer than the construction engineer.
But that said you can get some decent silicone rings that won’t de-glove you if they get caught these days.
- Comment on Anon is an engineer 2 months ago:
North American engineers sometimes wear an Iron Ring, apparently.
- Comment on Anon is an engineer 2 months ago:
They might not be American - I don’t think anywhere else does the iron ring thing…