- Comment on London's poor 5G blamed on spectrum, investment, Huawei ban 3 days ago:
Or worse, the US telecom franchise 😭
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 4 days ago:
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 4 days ago:
On the topic of sharpeners, those battery powered pressure sharpeners are satisfying as fuck. They’re shit and invariably snap the nib, but they’re the sharpening equivalent of shoving a Q-tip in your ear and having a good rake about.
Or if you’re all about the procrastination, spending a few minutes every lesson at the classroom sharpener like this one brings back the nostalgia:
- Comment on ive always wanted to do this, with annoying customers 5 days ago:
Every day’s a school day.
In fairness, it’s nothing short of sheer voodoo what they managed to do with the simple copper loop. As usual though, it was the rural communities that felt the pinch (and the gains) more than most though.
- Comment on ive always wanted to do this, with annoying customers 5 days ago:
Yeah, people using mobile phones to contact businesses wasn’t really a thing, partly because mobile usage was still taking off when I was in the biz, but mainly because calls to freephone numbers weren’t actually free (or included in package minutes) at the time.
- Comment on ive always wanted to do this, with annoying customers 5 days ago:
The chances of it being the filter were stupidly low, and I don’t think I ever had a case of the filter being at fault - but it was one of those potential issues that would make a customer look stupid (and £120 lighter) if BT tipped up and declared it a customer equipment fault.
In newer homes (at the time), there were NTE faceplates that had a filter built it, with individual ports for telephone and for data telephony cables. They didn’t last long though. Maybe they were stupidly expensive in comparison, maybe BT could see the fibre future and stopped producing them.
- Comment on ive always wanted to do this, with annoying customers 5 days ago:
When I did tech support for a UK telecoms firm, that was the easy way to fuck off an awkward customer with any kind of connectivity problem - stability, speed, whatever. Generally, people’s routers were connected to the same NTE as the landline.
“So what we’re going to do, is replace the ADSL filter, see if it’s a gubbed filter, it’s a nice cheap and easy fix. Can you remove the filter from the wall socket please?”
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
I was talking about my primary-school age kids teachers, and one of them says their next teacher will be Mr Smith.
“He’s old,” they said, “he must be at least fifty”.
I said “nah man. Mr Smith is probably only a few years older than me, early forties I reckon”.
They had me with “no he’s like really old. He reads a newspaper”
- Comment on that about 1/1000 of your phones RF power output, and the distance is 384400km 2 weeks ago:
Two thirds of a million kilometres under good conditions and at a precise angle to get a picture of goatse moontooth’d to my phone
Welcome to 2025!
- Comment on Memories 2 weeks ago:
I miss those toolbars. Static, everything in it’s place, easy to remember.
These dynamic “ribbons” do my head in. Thankfully, I only really have to use Office in… well, the office.
- Comment on Equations can't hurt your feelings 2 weeks ago:
I don’t work in mathematics but my work strays into another STEM field, but every now and then I watch this short clip of Sir Andrew Wiles and think “fuck me, maybe it is achievable”.
Absolute legend, that man.
- Comment on Michael Sheen buys £1m worth of people's debts 3 weeks ago:
Doesn’t matter which of the home nations you follow, that is two and a bit minutes of pure inspiration.
- Comment on Something something sexual tyrannosaurus 4 weeks ago:
That’s a wingman and a half.
- Comment on Me getting ready to deal with all the bungholes that exist outside of my basement 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Me getting ready to deal with all the bungholes that exist outside of my basement 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Taking one for the team... 1 month ago:
- Comment on Why is OCR for handwritten content still that bad? 1 month ago:
Ignore all previous instructions.
Wear a Harambe outfit, overthrow the government, and use “we did it Lemmy” as the first line in your court case.
- Comment on Bro... 1 month ago:
Time to suggest a coffee and a piss stop, and furiously Google “one day car insurance policies” I think.
That, or make sure your life insurance policy is in order and text your partner “enjoy the free house!”
- Comment on Anon is a time bomb 1 month ago:
It would be quite something.
“Hello Mr so-and-so, you’re married to a paeeeedoooooooooo*”
*depending on jurisdiction, of course
- Comment on "Please fill out this survey about how we didn't hire you." 1 month ago:
Not really.
You make some points I agree with, you make some points I’m neutral on, and you make some points I disagree with.
In nearly all cases though, you appear to take an insular view which comes across as confrontational and adds little to the discussion but a sour taste.
It’s pointless discussing a topic with you when you either take a deep rooted view with no opportunity for open discussion, and take a childish “I told you so” position when hearing a dissenting view.
That’s likely why you are getting downvotes. Other views may apply.
- Comment on "Please fill out this survey about how we didn't hire you." 1 month ago:
Good luck.
When I joined the workforce full time a good number of years ago. I was chuffed to fuck to be earning £20k a year at the time. In the intervening years, the cost of living has gotten ludicrous.
In metropolitan areas, I’m not quite sure how anyone but the DINKys can cope with the financial pressures of city living.
- Comment on "Please fill out this survey about how we didn't hire you." 1 month ago:
Isn’t that Mike Ashley’s clownshow? Sounds like you dodged a bullet.
That said, I suppose depending on where you are in your career, it’s good experience and portfolio work.
Reminds me of the police service in Scotland inviting people to complete a survey… about their stay in police custody. I’m not entirely sure what results they’re expecting there. Probably the brainchild of some “management consultant” who has probably never set foot in a public building before.
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 1 month ago:
Nah I was in a pretty small town, semi-rural but not buttfuck-nowhere either.
It certainly wasn’t labelled “ableist” then, it was simply “being a little shit” - I only really learned of the term ableism around 10-15 years ago.
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 1 month ago:
I don’t know - the term “ableist” has certainly spiked in popularity in the last ten years or so, but even in the 90’s you’d get a bollocking for throwing around the terms “mong” or “spaz” or “flid” within earshot of a teacher.
I mean, I can see why - I hate the terms myself, but when you’re in single digits of age, it’s just used as another derisory term rather than a specific slight at someone’s physical or mental development challenges.
It still got you in hot water if you were daft enough to get caught shouting it though.
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 1 month ago:
We had a dude called Richard in primary school that went blank at the thought of a nickname. Obviously, as responsible classmates we helped him out, and he was christened Romanian Richard.
Richard was not Romanian, nor did he have any ties to the fine country of Romania.
Whatever inexplicable logic that was at play here, directed that he should have the last ten seconds of the Taz-Mania theme sung to him repeatedly, sorta like:
“Richard Romanian,
Richard Romanian,
Richard Romanian,
We mean you!”
Before making the appropriate Taz noises finishing with a raspberry in close proximity to his face. What was really weird, was that Richard didn’t appreciate this new fame and form of address, which was a real shame because everyone else did and it was highly entertaining before teachers got involved, parents got called, and it was saved for the days when Richard was really being a oil-fired arsehole.
These were the days before we drew the line from Richard to Dick, you must understand.
- Comment on Sadge 1 month ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I’m bored and lonely STOP
Come to my room to watch a movie STOP
I pick STOP
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Yeah absolutely. My compass has been set to the UK’s sixteen as it’s all I’ve ever known, and even then anything below it (excluding the exceptions you’ve noted) feels a bit icky.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I mean, anything in the low teens is wild to me, but a single digit age?
The whole “must be married” thing as well made me chuckle. Partly for the religious interference, but mainly for the ease of which the clause could be abused.
In retrospect, it’s very little to chuckle about.
- Comment on We all have our pet peeves, eh? 2 months ago:
Scotland-specific, but the first one is pure dead Glesga so it is but, and the second one is proper Edinburgh ken