Step 1. Profit!
everything's going according to plan
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
You need capital to make money 5 weeks ago
This is why Americans always vote for the wealthy, everyone imagines themselves to be “temporarily disgraced millionaires.” 5 weeks ago
You’re that much of an ****? 5 weeks ago
This might be a controversial take but, I don’t think seven figure net worth qualifies as rich anymore. I am going to guess the comfort zone now is in the mid eight figures. Seven figures doesn’t guarantee that you won’t have to work until you die. All it takes are a few health issues and the US healthcare system will drain your life’s savings.
SOURCE: In US. Survived heart surgery and cancer. What scared me the most was not dying, it was leaving my wife in financial ruin. 5 weeks ago
Ah, yeah, the US. No questions.
Man, I’m so glad I don’t live there. Living in the US is right up there on the list of things I’m glad I don’t have to do, next to cave diving. 5 weeks ago
Seven figure net worth is probably as close as you can come to “middle class,” at least in the more expensive states. In most areas, you’ll live comfortably but still have to work ~40 hrs/week until you’re 60-65.
Of course there are exceptions, if you have good employer insurance that doesn’t deny a quarter of all claims you might not go broke from medical expenses, but that also means paying a much higher monthly premium.
There’s also of course huge variety in the cost of living. A million dollars in Seattle or Los Angeles might get you a small house, but a million dollars in Atlanta or Indianapolis will get you something much nicer, as long as you’re willing to risk being robbed or murdered. 5 weeks ago
I’ve done the math and i could live very comfortably for the next fifty years on two million, assuming my portfolio followed the market. I can’t remember now whether I planned for 50k or 100k in withdrawals every year but honestly I’d be fine on 50k 2024 dollars a year. maybe I just don’t dream big enough. 5 weeks ago
I live in Australia, 7 figures mostly won’t cut it for a life of not working either. 10m will cover it almost anywhere though 5 weeks ago
The idea of being a millionaire having “made it” stems from the 50s. Adjusted for inflation, that equates to about $10M today. So that’s probably the level to be truely comfortable with F-U money. Health”care” aside. 5 weeks ago
It’s bonkers that, had you died they would still have gone after your wife for the money, they didn’t even do you job, then they want to do something so inhumane. These aren’t people. 5 weeks ago
That’s why some people resort to divorce prior to pursuing treatment. Look it up. It’s a horror show.