- Comment on I present my girlfriend's daughter. 18 hours ago:
My phone will correct ducking to fucking but if I want to type ducking I have to correct it
- Comment on Why don’t brands make simpler names? 20 hours ago:
For the ryzen 7 9700x I have the answer. Ryzen is the brand name, 7 is where it stacks up, the 7 in the 9700 says where it lines up vs other ryzen 7s in the 9000 series.
USB can suck a fat one.
The pro title is like the ‘performance’ version of cars. Sometimes it matters and there’s a lot of difference, Hyundai N is not the same as normal Hyundai. Sometimes it’s just a slight aesthetic difference. The title is to sell it not to be clear and accurate, normally. Some pro phones are definitely higher performing, others are almost identical.
I have no answers for Sony, outside of my area of knowledge, same for monitors.
- Comment on Acetone: A Thread 1 week ago:
I use 70% isopropyl and it dissolves everything except for a film around the inner chamber.
Like a lump of tar just stops existing as a solid thing. Looks interesting after like 6 hours.
- Comment on LAN (local area network) games 1 week ago:
Escape, open to lan. autodetected by other Minecraft clients on the network and works modded without issues. You can enable cheats (or not) by default every time you open it again.
- Comment on LAN (local area network) games 1 week ago:
So does Java Minecraft
- Comment on The police state has always been bipartisan 3 weeks ago:
I think the proper word would be paranoid, but also not a huge concern unless you are doing something about it or trying to apply for a job at a US agency.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
I have work today, I’m there now, and could still put in 6 hours if I felt like it or was deep enough in a game to do it.
Im almost 30, work just over 20 hours a week (weekends for the extra $10/hr). No kids no partner.
I have 3 games recorded over 1000 hours and Minecraft doesn’t record but would be 5000+ easily over the last decade.
I am rural so there’s not really anything else to do unless gardening is your kind of thing.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
If I’m playing only 1 game for 3 months and it doesn’t hit 500 hours I clearly wasn’t playing it that much. I have a ton of spare time though.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 5 weeks ago:
Thou = though in this case I think.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 5 weeks ago:
Run Minecraft and YouTube twice over.
Figure once over is why I moved to 32, so twice over might need more.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 5 weeks ago:
I do the same. Spare tabs are bad and drain data.
- Comment on Anon achieves optimal testosterone 1 month ago:
Autism doesn’t count as retardation. I looked it up when I used to play league and people would ask if I was fucking retarded. Was gonna be like ‘yes lol’ but it doesn’t count.
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 1 month ago:
Pretty sure dewormer works if there’s a worm infestation, not just feeding it to the worm in chief
- Comment on Americans are weird. 1 month ago:
I’m in Aus and we have ceiling fans
- Comment on Why do some laws exist if everyone is expected to just break them? 1 month ago:
You should be in the slow lane I’d you aren’t overtaking anyway right? I presume most places have fairly similar rules but here in Australia it’s keep left unless overtaking, always. I guess keep right unless overtaking for US.
- Comment on Genshin Impact Game Developer Will be Banned from Selling Lootboxes to Teens Under 16 without Parental Consent, Pay a $20 Million Fine to Settle FTC Charges. 2 months ago:
Kinda surprised it wasn’t a bil, it’s a big game
- Comment on Trust the process! 2 months ago:
I kinda have meals like, months or a couple years at a time, then just stop having it entirely. But during that time, same breakfast every single day is fine.
- Comment on Which one are you? 2 months ago:
Full 900w every time, because that’s what the package asks for. Except when it asks for 1000w.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 months ago:
High end gaming laptops are about a 5 year cycle, presuming you want everything ultra or high settings.
If you don’t care, my old laptop with a 7700k and a 1070 still runs almost anything, just not as well as brand new top end.
- Comment on Yay 2 months ago:
ADHD can often result in several hundred tabs
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Just started playing rdr 2 and this has been such a pain in the arse.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
just pasted a screen snip so hopefully that worked. Not pictured: League of Legends which CS:GO only wishes it could be, Runescape (either of them) which is like a month of playtime, and Minecraft if it counted my hours would be 5 figures at least.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
I’m relying on my inheritance from my mum to get a house, but that’s mostly from selling her house, I’m sure her actual savings will be quite low by the time that comes around.
- Comment on yeah, I game on APUs 3 months ago:
I spent my early gaming years breaking games to make them run on lower than minimum settings so I could maybe get 15fps.
Now I’m a performance snob and get annoyed seeing it dip under 100 at 4k
- Comment on Anon doesn't like spears 3 months ago:
Thrust, throw, use as a defensive wall, there we go 3 uses
- Comment on everything's going according to plan 3 months ago:
I live in Australia, 7 figures mostly won’t cut it for a life of not working either. 10m will cover it almost anywhere though
- Comment on You best start believing in a cyberpunk dystopia 3 months ago:
Recently saw a comic about a ‘shit shot Sally’, characters wondering why they had to be concerned if she’s a shit shot.
Grenade launcher.
- Comment on When did browsers start being able to remember your previous session. 3 months ago:
Everything important with the exception of a single email address that probably can’t do that much damage anyway is auto logged out. My bank, being only 90% fucking stupid forces a logout after 5minutrs of inactivity on their web portal.
It’s be annoying to reset all my passwords, that’s about it.
- Comment on Subscribe now for more clicks! 3 months ago:
10000 clicks a month? Man I might do that in a day or 2
- Comment on vines of the animal kingdom 3 months ago:
You might be surprised how much thermite won’t be impressive here. Napalm sure, sticky fire everywhere. Thermite is hard to put everywhere and really doesn’t want to light. Hard enough I’m not sure I have anything in my house that could, although idk how hot a lithium fire gets. Probably not even close.