It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses.
Hit it.
Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses.
Hit it.
Sweet mother of blessed acceleration don’t fail me now.
I always fucking wondered what he said and now I know 🙏
“I hate Illinois nazis.” From a better time when we didn’t have a third of the country loving nazis.
sigh I see a Blues Brothers post, I must watch the Blues Brothers. No choice.
Such a chore isn’t it
^well it’s a beautiful place, Bob^
I remember watching this movie when I was around 12 years old. Had never heard of it before just started watching it and loved it. It’s It has become one of my top 3 favorite movies. It also introduced me to the world of the blues and some of the best blues musicians/singers.
I remember buying the soundtrack on CD and playing it over and over again. I think I was the only pre-teen that knew of Cab Calloway and could sing “hi-de-ho” .
wow, I was a weird kid
I think I was the only pre-teen that knew of Cab Calloway and could sing “hi-de-ho” .
I thought the same thing at that age, and then my music teacher at the time was like “oh hey fun fact I played Minnie The Moocher with Callaway before he died” and busted out a picture of him with Callaway
He and I both played trumpet so I learned how to play those lines from someone who performed with the legend himself, and Ive always thought that was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done
Pov: the gta 5 ai when I park my car on the highway
I have never seen Blues Brothers and, to my knowledge, have never seen this clip. Somehow I still knew almost immediately that this must be from Blues Brothers.
Cultural osmosis is crazy y’all.
It was either gonna be Blues Brothers or Police Academy and I’ve seen Police Academy enough to know it wasn’t
There’s also a scene like this in a French movie, I think it was one of the Taxi films, albeit with Peugeots.
“This mall has EVERYTHING!”
We just watched this again last night. Are you in my house?
Not at the moment
No he isn’t. I’ve checked.
Doesn’t this scene still hold the record for the most number of cars in a car crash scene?
The original Blues Brothers claimed Most Police Cars Destroyed in a Single Scene record till it sequel deliberately destroyed just one more.
The record for Most vehicles destroyed in a film (non CGI) is 532 for Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011).
This one is a honpurable mention, although not a movie:…
At the time, it held the record of most cars destroyed for a film. That has since been eclipsed various times, mainly by films from the fast and furious franchise. But the current record holder is one of the transformers films.
Oh cool, thanks for sharing! I knew the movie held some kind of record for destroying cars, but couldn’t think of exactly what it was. All I can say is that none of those other movies will ever have nearly the same amount of satisfaction with scenes like this
I love this movie and I’m not really much of a movie person. Absolute classic.
You don’t like it? No, I don’t like it. (jumps bridge) Fix the cigarette lighter.
Love that movie, love the soundtrack.
one of the funniest movies ever
For your consideration.
The original ‘The Italian Job’ with Michael Caine and Benny Hill as a computer wizard.
We’re on a mission from gahd!
This is a very interesting clip, it really shows how flimsy 70s American cars were built
Held together with faith and chewing gum
Four fried chickens and a Coke.
And some dry white toast please. 7 months ago
I just don’t have the words to describe how awesome this movie is to folks who haven’t seen it. It’s a must-watch. 7 months ago
What’s the movie? 7 months ago
Thank you for asking this question instead of ripping a fart. 7 months ago
LOL, sorry I forgot it wouldn’t be obvious to everyone.
The Blues Brothers 7 months ago
This is from the Blues Brothers movie from 1980. 7 months ago
Don’t forget John Candy 7 months ago
Fuckin’ A how could I forget John Candy? Anyone want an Orange Whip? 7 months ago
With almost non stop cartoonish mayhem anarchy ignored by all characters. A superb movie! 7 months ago
My favorite scene from that era.
“What is it?”
“A little fly shit.”