Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
I’m all for another game in the franchise, but quidditch isn’t a very compelling part of the world for me.
as a sports game, quidditch feels shaky. its fine for narrative purposes, but it’s not a real sport. so I’m not sure how they will build it into one. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Seems like a lot of folks are not really interested in the quirky sport, so saying fans are rejoicing because of this announcement sounds like they don’t really understand why people played HL.
Its like saying Dark Souls fans rejoice because From Software announced a fitness spinoff called Yoga with Solaire. Okay actually, they might. Bad example. 9 months ago
I went to ddg looking for yoga with solaire and then found nothing and was heartbroken.
but yeah I’m a huge HL and HP fan in general and I’m planning to skip this one because I don’t really care about quidditch. its only real interest to me was as a cool plot tool. nothing more. 9 months ago
Afaik there are people actually playing quidditch, brooms and all. So there must be something playable there 9 months ago
I always thought the whole point of quidditch was to put the protag as the most important position in the game.
but yeah I’ve seen “quidditch” being played. I’m just not certain how compelling it is without a protagonist player. 9 months ago
I have played quidditch, with the broom.
I spent more time trying not to trip over said broom than actually playing. And I’m somewhat athletic. It wasn’t great. 9 months ago
I want them to make a Harry Potter souls like. Let me play as one of the Marauders during the first Wizarding War. 9 months ago
Oohhh Sirius would be the best choice I think, so it can go on after James’s death and you can confront Peter at the end 9 months ago
Oh god just remembering the vitriol from legacy’s launch is tiring 9 months ago
I bought Hogwarts Legacy against my better judgement, and the game had one of the worst main stories I’ve ever played. Honestly exploring the world was more fun than the story, and you can only do so much exploring. 9 months ago
Yeah, the main story was pretty terrible. The console controls for broom flying were also criminally bad.
I really liked the combat, though, and exploring the world was nice. Playing some of the puzzles was also fun. Even though the collect-them-all achievements were extremely vast (so much so that I didn’t even both trying for any of them when I found how ridiculously tedious it would have been to go after them), it wasn’t a deep game. But it was fun for a short time. 9 months ago
I liked the little “rpg-lite” elements thrown around like getting to snack on candy and drinking butter beer and such. They really should’ve leaned more into that, but who knows what was going on behind the scenes with WB and all. 9 months ago
Hogwarts legacy was generic crap. 9 months ago
So it begins…again. 9 months ago
Fuck terfs 9 months ago
Agreed but what does that have to do with a work created by a team of hundreds of people? 9 months ago
nothing whatsoever. but they need to feel important about something, I suppose. 9 months ago
Gee, what could a game in ab I.P. created by a terf have to do with terfs? Scientists will ponder this for years. I mean, it’s not like J.K. Rowling owns the I.P. and makes millions of dollars per year from things like this, right?