An obese poor person really is a paradox!
It’s far more expensive to eat in a way that would make you fat, so maybe not poverty, but (nutrition) education levels would be a better correlation?
Comment on I live in the green part 3 months ago
How closely does this match a heatmap for poverty levels?
An obese poor person really is a paradox!
It’s far more expensive to eat in a way that would make you fat, so maybe not poverty, but (nutrition) education levels would be a better correlation?
While ingredients for healthy food are cheaper that processed ready to made or fast food, the time and energy to cook is an expensive luxury that no everyone have.
Check out this Folding Ideas video, about food, class and the cost of cooking
the time and energy to cook is an expensive luxury that no everyone have.
I would reject that statement on the basis that preparing a decent meal does NOT have to be time or energy intensive.
For example, you can make overnight oats with about 10 to 15 seconds of effort. It would be filling, healthy, cheaper than packaged cereal, and can be done with something that most people already have in their home or apartment (a fridge).
And with a visit to the thrift shop, you can get a rice cooker for like $10. And make all kinds of dishes without any effort at all.
There are so many “hacks” to make cooking quick and easy, that I’d say it’s more effort to always feel shitty because of a poor diet.
Good luck eating “overnight oats” everyday on dirty plates in a dirty kitchen, cause looks you don’t think cleaning is part of the food preparation process.
Class and the cost of cooking?
I could hop on Amazon right now, find you a $30 range and a $7 toaster oven at a flea market. You can bake anything that fits into it.
If you have a home, a sink and a power outlet, you can cook, and I know a ton of you have that before you have your next Little Caesars.
You’re so close. Time is a luxury. Time. Poor people are working multiple jobs. Time. Time. Time.
Highly processed, high sugar foods are generally less expensive.
Highly processed, high sugar foods are generally less expensive.
It may seem that way, but I’d love to have some examples.
FWIW, I do the grocery shopping in the home, and find that highly processed foods, for the amount you get, is far more expensive than real food.
It’s always funny to me to watch single people who have been skinny their entire life try to coach the world on how to be like them.
There is an entire world outside of your little shell, very few people will fit in to the narrow view of the world you have and those that do don’t need your advice, they already look and eat like you.
There are myriad luxuries that contribute to your, apparently quite successful lifestyle. Had you actually encountered the hardships you claim to be able to resolve with some fucking oats, you’d be able to grasp the true depths of how idiotic the suggestion is.
I congratulate you on your success, but please shut up. The poors are in no further need of out of touch advice, no matter how well meaning.
You assume that I’ve been both skinny and well off, so I can’t speak to the topic?
Well, you’re wrong.
And the reality is, the MAJORITY of the population is dangerously overweight, so this isn’t a “some people can’t do what you do!” situation. There are SOLUTIONS, and they don’t have to be difficult or out of reach to anyone.
Why wouldn’t you want more people to be educated in nutrition? Why would you want poverty to be an excuse to not try? Give people a chance, man.
I’m eating shitty delivered food (including mcdonalds) and I am losing weight. The problem isn’t “bad food” it’s all about controlling calories intake. The only moment where that might not work is if you have some issues - hormonal imbalance or some sort of other illness. But if you eat less and can maintain / withstand that, you will lose weight.
A part that complicates it is nutrition. Nutrients are related to food cravings, but if you don’t have access to food that has the nutrients your body is craving, you might eat other things in an attempt to satisfy that craving. But since they don’t contain what your body needs, the craving doesn’t go away, so the drive to eat more remains.
It’s like the difference between being satisfied and full. For the first one, your body decides it doesn’t need anything more and the desire to eat just isn’t urgent (comfort/habit eating can still be a thing though). When you’re full, it just means your stomach is full and you can’t eat more without discomfort. But once there’s room again, the hunger might return.
It was something I’d always notice with McDonald’s. One big Mac never felt like it was enough. I’d eat the food and then be disappointed because it was all gone but I still wanted to eat.
But a good meal with a variety of ingredients can satisfy even if the volume of food isn’t high. Like I’ve only tried fine dining once and went in to the 9 course meal expecting to need to stop for a burger or something afterwards because I knew the portions of each course would be tiny. I walked out of that restaurant with room in my belly but no desire to fill it with anything else.
It’s also why pregnancy cravings are so strong. The body needs more nutrients when building another body, plus the timing of accessing those nutrients is more important.
The problem isn’t “bad food” it’s all about controlling calories intake.
Yup, that’s what I’ve always said.
Top athletes eat loads and loads and loads of highly processed, high calorie food… and they have low body fat and are at peak fitness.
That’s because they treat food a fuel, and if people are eating food (fuel) as if they were a competitive athlete, but spend their day in a chair, they’re going to get fat!
But in terms of cost, it’s way more expensive to be eating delivered food than to make basic recipes.
Yeah, for sure. The problem is cooking for one. If you are inexperienced, you tend to overcook and then you either waste that or eat the same thing for five days. Also picky eaters sometimes can’t eat the same thing two days in a row, let alone more. Buuut if you treat cooking as “a job” that pays more than ordering out (where you don’t pay with your time), then it is really worth it for sure.
Home economics used to be an elective.
Sad to say, but I feel cooking is an essential, base skill that everyone should have at least a small grasp on, at least for their own wellbeing.
It’s amazing for me to consider that anyone could bake a loaf of bread in their kitchen in a few hours, and nobody, not even Musk could taste it, not even if he wanted to. It’s a sense of ownership and accomplishment, and you… won’t die of starvation, so it has that going for it too.
That’s such a wonderful perspective! And funny enough, I’ve got a loaf in the bread maker! 😂
The 1% can eat the most expensive steak ever produced, the most valuable cake ever baked, the most rare and exotic delicacy, but those shitheads ain’t having a LICK of this goddamn bread. It is exclusively, an experience for you and anyone you share it with and no one else. That is the big revelation to cooking. Every single dish is one of a kind if you treat it that way. 3 months ago
Junk food is cheap so there is a correlation. It isn’t a perfect match but it is close.
What is more interesting is looking at obesity by race. 3 months ago
Got it. So Colorado should be predominantly rich white people.
Oh hey wait look at that, 76% white and 10% immigrant labor. With a white poverty rate of only about 7.5% (1) 3 months ago
Colorado here. You nailed it. We got a lot of these unbearable “health is life” turds. 3 months ago
Actually the white population for the US is one of the highest. 3 months ago
21% of the state is also of Hispanic or Latino descent and growing, but yeah, predominantly white.