- Comment on Smile 2: same writer, same director, mostly same producers. Yet it sucks. Yet it's getting good IMDb reviews. 8 hours ago:
Because they are upset that people like a movie and are blaming Disney for it.
It’s silly and ignores others feelings for personal held beliefs.
- Comment on Smile 2: same writer, same director, mostly same producers. Yet it sucks. Yet it's getting good IMDb reviews. 8 hours ago:
I liked it a lot.
Felt very Lovecraft in that the idea of winning against it should never have been considered.
The horror feels visceral and the uncomfortable nature of the moment by moment is awful if you empathize with the protagonist.
I like the Fall of the House of Usher and there is no happy ending for any of those characters. They have things happen and then they die.
This was more about spectacle, no grand story just a visceral and loud one of watching a poor person be fucked by trauma.
I think it is weird that you are upset that other people like this movie and are blaming studio meddling.
People could like peanut butter sandwiches I won’t make a post saying I’m weirded out that people are eating them and that George Washington Carver must be behind it somehow.
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 9 hours ago:
Make sure to read the Tips in Bones Cafe if you pick it up. It felt like a lot of things clicked after that and it made my murders a little cleaner for the health inspector!
No tips for Kingdom 2 Crowns, really just hope you enjoy it. I sunk so many hours into that with others.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 11 hours ago:
You can’t be someone else. It’s impossible to look at someone else as the perfect human and tell everyone else to be like them.
That’s the impossible.
Life is complex. Speaking about it does not make it less so. It’s hard (if not impossible) to get the words that mean what I think in my head to mean the same to others.
My point is as consistent as it can be. Give love, don’t wait for people to be better to do so. Look out for yourself sure, but don’t avoid burdens for ease of a gentler life.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 11 hours ago:
No, I don’t think of it as a failure to provide assistance I think we choose the burdens we are ok with and you don’t have to aim to fix everything. We can’t fix dyslexia or genetic disorders, and we don’t just demand they figure it out to change nothing.
And it’s not so easy to just pick to be better and yes she has to do things herself. We all do. It it’s not over or even done when they decide to get better. And it is still on the rest of us to accept the burden of their issues to make life safe for them as well.
I point out that you give love first. You accept that people are broken and you love them anyways. I don’t want vapid relationships that only go surface level so that they can never burden me.
Oh cool, I finally have the argument I can use when screaming at my wife.
Ok wow. That’s a takeaway to being told that their is no such thing as perfect or fixed. That’s in you for wanting it as an excuse to be worse.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 12 hours ago:
I do mean the little things. But it also is the big ones. A loved one can need you to help them do paperwork, or they could be dying of an incurable disease and raging against the end.
I’m saying expecting everyone to work to make your life easier to be around them ignores that everyone has their own issues to deal with and we are constantly impacting each other.
It’s good to work on yourself and we all should but expecting it as the only way to be around people is not reasonable for how humanity is. We are flawed emotional creatures.
We burden those we love in lots of ways waiting on them to be fixed to show love doesn’t make it seem like you loved them at all. You love people knowing they can change not waiting until they do.
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 13 hours ago:
Paper planet.
It’s a doodle game roguelite though I do wish it was still priced a bit lower. But hey if Peglin can be $13…
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale 2024 Has Begun! 13 hours ago:
Bone’s Cafe is a slower non roguelite cafe game were you get to kill and cook your customers. It has been lots of fun.
Kingdom 2 Crowns is a great little game of frustration but it’s only 2 people but it’s pretty and the soundtrack slaps and it’s a fun settlement building and protection game.
Everyone is already recommending Hazelight Studio games but I will jump on that too cause they are amazing.
And just to shake things up:
The Lego games. They are classic and usually a good time. Campy humor. Murder your friends. And they are pretty cheap as the whole collections these days. - Comment on Anon has marital problems 13 hours ago:
Society does not have the end-all of best of humanity in mind. Often it just means productive at work and cares little for your well being.
You can self improve but that’s not fixing anything. That’s just getting better at not being a burden to others. But the burden is the point. We are all in it together and are a burden on each other. But we do it anyways.
Don’t tell people that they can be “fixed” that is nonsense and just makes them feel more of a burden without the kindness.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 13 hours ago:
We all burden each other with stuff constantly. It’s on her to fix it but fixing yourself is impossible tlsince their is no template for what fixed looks like.
It’s also on the husband as much as it is the rest of us to see what level of burden we are willing to take on for those we care about. That’s humanity.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 13 hours ago:
They were “right” about one thing so their objective truth about reality is that they must be right about everything.
Yeah it’s lame and pretty standard.
It doesn’t help that relationships have been commodified and there is general disdain for the concept of marrying for financial security to the point that tradwives were a public concept of how rich guys should treat their wives to keep them humble from the wealth.
It’s weird out here and it doesn’t even shock me anymore.
- Comment on We dumb 4 days ago:
I have come to realize a PhD just means you have spent a lot of time thinking about what you are doing.
Doesn’t mean what you are doing is smart really. Just well thought about.
- Comment on Good morning I choose violence. 1 week ago:
Just, wow.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 1 week ago:
Eh, we are all victims to delusion right? Can’t know what is a dream and what is reality until it’s being lived in the moment.
I think the mark of a true leftist is picking a dream that’s so big you know it couldn’t possibly come true so you could never mistake it for reality, but then work towards it anyways.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 1 week ago:
Well it does work until it doesn’t and the high imperialists get out of it can be quite high. A chunk of the oligarchic boomers feel like they have have everything they ever could have wanted even if their younger counterparts are starting to get greedy for more like addicts they are. And now we have fights between the rulers that want it to stay exactly as is and those that want more battling it out while we get nothing for those of us below that want better.
Lessons are learned and forgotten constantly in this world. The next empire along will also justify its existing as a good until it no longer can.
Let’s see what happens when Carthage falls and weapons are handed out asking the meek to pick sides to groups promising to own them better. I doubt that it will be a lesson we learn and pushed off to be learned again later.
- Comment on Imperialism, authoritarianism and oppression is bad all around m'kay 1 week ago:
Likely you are understating how often that occurs as much as the person is overstating how much that occurs. You don’t interact with those people and they, trying to argue against, constantly interact with them.
I’ve seen people absolutely take the side of “Israel must be protected, there is no other answer” and plenty of it on Lemmy and it comes from its users.
Don’t diminish other people’s experience when they share it, people are often honest about their perspective even if it might be wrong. Ignoring it does no help for either of you.
- Comment on As ‘Kraven’ Hunts for Audience, Sony's Marvel Universe Takes Final Bow for Now | Analysis 1 week ago:
It’s a shame that none of them flopped as hard as they should have compared to the other garbage movies of recent year.
Even Madame Web could look green if you ignore that likely insane amount of marketing we all saw for it.
But Sony manages to just keep Morbin all over the place and doesn’t quite see the punishment for it so what do I know.
- Comment on As ‘Kraven’ Hunts for Audience, Sony's Marvel Universe Takes Final Bow for Now | Analysis 1 week ago:
Nice! That last frame before the lighting shift is so wild to look at all the little details… Then blam! No background for you!
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 1 week ago:
And “in home massages” where that means the CEO will come over and massage you if you are pretty and they have a fake promotion to dangle over them.
- Comment on Best movies of 2024: poll and discussions! 1 week ago:
Well that’s interesting…
Been a while since I’ve seen anything compared to Kung Fu Hustle
- Comment on Best movies of 2024: poll and discussions! 1 week ago:
Tap for spoiler
The other main character advocates for committing suicide as the answer to their predicament. All bodies feel like a prison. They get old and ache some don’t provide the right chemicals or their brains hurt them. It’s not a problem only belonging to the trans community and the other main character seems predatory while the main character is beyond reach and does absolutely nothing the whole film.
I can relate to the message but the message was bad from my perspective and the execution not better. Maybe because it’s so incredibly pointed that I don’t get it but that doesn’t make it any better that it’s for a specific audience and everyone else is left stranded. I got the message I just thought it poorly faced it.
- Comment on Best movies of 2024: poll and discussions! 1 week ago:
Long legs:
I think it’s trying to hard. It clearly wants to be a satanist movie and hit all the shock factor of it to make the audience gasp. But a spectacle film where it keeps going out of the way to call itself that feels self feliciating in the way that Nope kinda failed.Plus the twist is weak and it just explains everything for you at the end in a weird way then drips you off at the climax of the film, then another wino to camera and done.
I felt no tension or fear the whole movie.
- Comment on Best movies of 2024: poll and discussions! 1 week ago:
Why do you like it so much? I really don’t enjoy it though I can respect the cinematography and overall composition of it I find the film itself not worth recommending.
- Comment on Best movies of 2024: poll and discussions! 1 week ago:
I worry the movie won’t be able to have staying power.
It was so good and I enjoyed the movie greatly but it’s clearly and very much for the moment film. Touching on the nostalgia and emotions of the end of an entire collective universe and shared history of media that won’t be for people moving forward.
So can it be movie if the year if it’s only valid for this year?
Not a judgement but a question. I’d say yes, but understand it can’t be easily recommended later. - Comment on Best movies of 2024: poll and discussions! 1 week ago:
Man this was a rough year where even the big movies that we hoped for were mostly middling at best and lots more were outright bad.
But to support something I did like
Smile 2
I actually hadn’t seen Smile 1 before seeing this but it had a really great classic horror movie vibe of tension and uncomfortableness leading up to a payoff of just downright hard horror in the style of Edgar Allen Poe or Hereditary. And a second watch is actually great for picking up a lot of clever writing. - Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 1 week ago:
Oh hey look. The story of how Rudy Giuliani found his wife!
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 1 week ago:
Chicken or the egg?
- Comment on butts 1 week ago:
They want to always be wet, and dry out really quickly. I’m sure to a snail it would feel relieving to have its most exposed area covered as often or as best as possible.
Don’t ascribe human ideals and existence to them.
So don’t bad for the head shitting snail.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 weeks ago:
I am aware. It’s true for portions of Asia as well and is part of the reason for the Caribbean islands being a mess.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 weeks ago:
And Dutch. But let’s be honest it was a revolving door of Western Europe and they all new each other.