The 3 inch nails protruding through the rails are much more complaint-worthy than the too-tall pickets.
Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 4 weeks ago
I wish I was lucky enough to be a homeowner complaining about 2 mismatched fenceposts 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
They don’t even come close to the home owners fence bro 4 weeks ago
What if they were 9 inch nails instead? 4 weeks ago
Good news is that many landlords excel at this level of craftsmanship. 4 weeks ago
I also wish the same for us both. But I’d like to remind you, people who rent can also find themselves complaining about the neighbour’s mismatched fenceposts 4 weeks ago
I don’t know if you meant for it to come off this way or not, but to me it sounds like you’re saying people who own homes shouldn’t complain about small things. Someone else always has it worse. That doesn’t mean those who are better off have no right to complain about things that annoy them (especially on the community made for complaining about mildly infuriating things). 4 weeks ago
I think it’s the fact OP is calling their neighbor an asshole for fixing their fence in a less than perfect way that really irked me. I get annoyed when privileged people want to play the victim; it’s something I know I should work on, but right now it’s a part of my character. 4 weeks ago
I get you. Until I noticed the spiked aspect of the new boards I didn’t see the problem. A repaired fence > I repaired fence. I think it’s great. 4 weeks ago
Check where you are, because come on, that’s the whole point of this community 4 weeks ago
Wait, are we in mildyinfuriatinghomeownerproblems? 4 weeks ago
I’m more than mildly infuriated I will likely never own a home. 4 weeks ago
Have you tried looking for a home somewhere undesirable 4 weeks ago
What? Like in-between lanes on the freeway? 4 weeks ago
One of the issues with that is that unless you are WFH, you would very likely have to find another job that is commutable. With local salaries more of less being intertwined with the housing, (see cost of living) the new job would also very likely put you in the same position you started with. 4 weeks ago
have you looked into the United States department of agricultures direct loan program? 4 weeks ago
There are things I can relate to, and this is not one of them. Hence my comment