It’s actually very possible to miss the message of Bioshock. Andrew Ryan built the perfect city and Atlas ruined it. Andrew Ryan cast him out, but Atlas brought thr player character as his final ultimate weapon. You eventually rebel, saving the capitalist Utopia.
I have seen people who abided by this interpretation. Any art with any level of subtlety can be misinterpreted. It’s inherently subjective and depends on the viewer’s personal biases. 8 months ago
People watch star trek and listen to fortunate son and miss the message in both of those pieces of art so I’m pretty sure someone would miss the political message in just about anything. 8 months ago
…and Starship Troopers, and every song by Rage Against the Machine… 8 months ago
Would you like to know more (examples of people missing the point)?
Image 8 months ago
Does anyone really listen to RATM anymore? Tom Morello is a multimillionaire who hordes money instead of giving charity. Hes a hypocrite and a sell-out. 8 months ago
Well, you’re a dumb conservative. Of course no one in your circle listens to Rage Against the Machine. 8 months ago
Music and film don’t demand that you engage with them in the same way as video games. There are some games where you literally cannot play them without engaging with their narrative and message. Spec Ops: The Line is a good example of this. It actively pushes back against the player’s natural inclination to play it like a modern military shooter and not absorb the message. 8 months ago
Russians had flown out singers to Ukraine singing Gruppa Krovi to the soldiers. This shit goes across cultures. 8 months ago
They might not be missing the message. Its reasonable to think “this is just the writers opinion, it wouldnt work out this way irl”