- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
Yeah of course industries will collapse. 100 car factories will close, 5 superyacht factories will open, tying up the same amount of productivity. Owned by the same guy.
There will be tons of spacecraft launchpads, private jet hangars, etc.
And wars of course.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
The rich will keep trading with each other. Look at housing for an example.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
The rich. Companies will stop targeting products to wider and wider swathes of people, just like nobody caters to the homeless now.
- Comment on The closed beta for Concord, Sony's new hero shooter, is underway - and the open beta arrives on Thursday 7 months ago:
Do we really need more hero shooters?
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 7 months ago:
Maybe one guy got a lot
- Comment on Do other languages have similar acronyms to 'tbh', 'imo', 'smh', etc? 7 months ago:
Dutch has aub meaning alstublieft meaning please, and they use it in all kinds of official places.
- Comment on Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? 8 months ago:
Only if you were involved in the kidnapping, like paying them to do it.
Reading this I’m not sure I’d fault him even if that were the case.
- Comment on New Crazy Taxi title will be an open-world, massively multiplayer AAA game, according to Sega 8 months ago:
Why AAA? Come on Sega, you can get it to AAAA, have people pay for time like back in the arcade days! Game starts, you get “Insert coin” and a microtransaction!
Dream big!
- Comment on What are your plans for when the Milky Way galaxy collides with Andromeda? 8 months ago:
Do we have insurance for that?
- Comment on Julian Assange leaves UK after being freed in US plea deal - BBC News 8 months ago:
And yet if not for his actions, it would have never come to light that the US military murdered a bunch of innocent people including Reuters journalists in 2007. I know it sucks how Wikileaks curates info, and ideally this should be handled in a way that’s less exploitable by foreign governments, but to me, it seems they are vigilantes doing stuff because the US justice system wouldn’t.
I mean, look at the Trump prosecution. If you had proof of the DNC doing its antidemocratic shit to prevent anyone who is not in big corp pockets getting elected, does the Trump prosecution inspire confidence that if you just made a police report, anything would happen?
- Comment on Sex workers in Belgium to receive pension contributions and maternity leave under labour overhaul – The Irish Times 8 months ago:
To be honest, not many Europeans do
- Comment on Protect your PC 8 months ago:
I understand, then male would mean “people with a penis”?
- Comment on Protect your PC 8 months ago:
ESL person question here - isn’t “male” used as an adjective more than a noun? If you used “pregnant female” as a counterpart, it would sound weird to me, like we were talking about rabbits, not people.
- Comment on Protect your PC 8 months ago:
I sometimes do drink myself to sovereign citizen. Unlike most of those people, I do get sober the next morning.
- Comment on Protect your PC 8 months ago:
Nuh-uh, sound has to go over HDMI as well. You may only partake in your own culture through DRM-approved channels.
This got me thinking, could you still get an abortion in the bad parts of the US if you trademarked your DNA, and claimed that the condom breaking violated DMCA?
You know, show up at the doctors with a ton of papers headlined
Or at least get child support out of Durex?
- Comment on Protect your PC 8 months ago:
Nah, they’ll just sue you if you’re using VGA instead of HDMI since it obviously means you are trying to crack DRM and thus running afoul of DMCA.
- Comment on Japan forces Apple and Google to open their mobile platforms • The Register 8 months ago:
F-Droid could go through it, the thing that is prohibited is for Google to bar them just because they are a competitor.
- Comment on Thou'st see-eth me rolleth, thou'st hateth 8 months ago:
Cheap bait, nobody cares
- Comment on Anon tests a pilot's reflexes 8 months ago:
Also, yanking back on the yoke as hard as you can when you hear a terrain alert is a pretty surefire way to crash and die anyways. So yeah, fake and potentially gay.
- Comment on What is the equivalent stereotype of 'women should all be homemakers,' for men? 8 months ago:
Men should all be (the sole) breadwinners.
- Comment on Felonies, gotta catch 'em all 8 months ago:
Well there is the convicted felon, rapist and wannabe dictatorial psychopath, there is the guy with the dead brainworms in his head, and there is the guy who you can vote for if you would like things to continue as they are.
Oh, you can also choose between reluctant and enthusiastic support of genocide, and breaking up strikes versus shooting at protestors.
- Comment on It's amazing so many people are able to use English as a second language. 8 months ago:
They are mostly logical, it’s actually permutations of 3 by 4 conditions.
- Comment on The world we live in. I'm sure we will see someone bragging on the dark web 8 months ago:
DDoS is the most traditional brute force attack you can hit a website with.
Setting fire to the servers is trickier.
- Comment on It's amazing so many people are able to use English as a second language. 8 months ago:
English is actually quite easy. Yes, there is a lot of vocabulary, but almost no conjugations or declinations make it easy compared to some others. My native has 19 different cases with 2-3 variants for musicality, and 2 modes of full verb conjugation (with additional exceptions of course).
- Comment on Why People Don’t Catch The Politics In Their Favorite Games 9 months ago:
Russians had flown out singers to Ukraine singing Gruppa Krovi to the soldiers. This shit goes across cultures.
- Comment on Sussy 9 months ago:
Kinda resembles Conchita Wurst
- Comment on Accusing Mercedes of 'Wanton Lawlessness,' UAW Seeks New Alabama Vote 9 months ago:
It would be a real shame if the German union struck in sympathy.
- Comment on Anon is suspicious 9 months ago:
Apparently food does grow on trees!
- Comment on IGN immediately lays off every non-UK person at their newly bought sites, including some key members like debuty editor Alice Bell 9 months ago:
The problem is that ad-driven businesses are price dumping by tricking people into using their services by telling them it’s free, and thus killing the market for everyone else. I am not turning my adblocker off. I do not expect “free” content in perpetuity. I expect the “free” content business model to die off.
- Comment on Is this too soon? 9 months ago:
Funny thing is, it was apparently a US helicopter, and part of the problem was that they weren’t wble to service it because sanctions. If it really was an old Soviet machine like on the picture, they would have had less problems.