Comment on Protect your PC 8 months agoNah, they’ll just sue you if you’re using VGA instead of HDMI since it obviously means you are trying to crack DRM and thus running afoul of DMCA.
Comment on Protect your PC 8 months agoNah, they’ll just sue you if you’re using VGA instead of HDMI since it obviously means you are trying to crack DRM and thus running afoul of DMCA. 8 months ago
Everyone loves listening to their favorite purchased movie while watching a black screen 8 months ago
Nuh-uh, sound has to go over HDMI as well. You may only partake in your own culture through DRM-approved channels.
This got me thinking, could you still get an abortion in the bad parts of the US if you trademarked your DNA, and claimed that the condom breaking violated DMCA?
You know, show up at the doctors with a ton of papers headlined
Or at least get child support out of Durex? 8 months ago
I think you’ve taken the long way around to becoming a sovereign citizen 8 months ago
I sometimes do drink myself to sovereign citizen. Unlike most of those people, I do get sober the next morning. 8 months ago
More worryingly, I wonder if a male can force a pregnant woman to have an abortion using that logic. 8 months ago
ESL person question here - isn’t “male” used as an adjective more than a noun? If you used “pregnant female” as a counterpart, it would sound weird to me, like we were talking about rabbits, not people. 8 months ago
Do really want to get an abortion from the last qualified person left to give it in one of the dumbass states‽ Plus they’re probably out of practice.