- Comment on Is cops being evil/lazy/incompetent a USA specific thing, or is it the same everywhere in the world? 3 weeks ago:
ACAB means ACAB.
- Comment on Steven Seagal Movie Out For A Kill Is So Lazy He Fights Sitting Down - Worst Movie Ever 1 month ago:
He’s actually gonna be starring in a John Wick spinoff soon. Looks pretty dope.
- Comment on So be good for goodness' sake! 2 months ago:
Is that why Rudolph’s nose glows?
- Comment on master manipulators 3 months ago:
Humans are just exceptionally weak to cute. If aliens ever show up and try to conquer us, we’re going to be so screwed if they happen to be adorable.
- Comment on Democrats Reject Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Top Oversight Committee Post 3 months ago:
It’s like the Democrats want to keep losing elections.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Sure thing, buddy. Here you go:
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Well, unfortunately the guy used an e-bike with GPS tracking on it as his getaway vehicle, so I very much doubt he’s going to get away with it. But yes - I agree with you on the death penalty. Shit gets complicated when the state gets involved.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
But those who think that they are virtuous have no problem celebrating this guy being killed calling it karma. And this comment will be totally downvoted because how dare someone point out their hypocrisy.
“Virtue” is a relative thing. What is virtuous to one person might not be virtuous to another. You, for example, seem to believe that celebrating the death of someone is unvirtuous, even if that person was a monster. This is pure speculation on my part, but I’m also guessing that you hold the belief that nobody deserves to die.
These beliefs are not universal. While you would be a hypocrite for violating your own strongly held beliefs, it would not be accurate to apply that label to someone who doesn’t hold those beliefs. For example, I believe that death is the worst punishment you can give to a person. I also believe that some people absolutely deserve it. I would not find it virtuous to falsely pretend otherwise. I have no moral qualms with celebrating the death of someone who I think deserves it. Similarly, I have no qualms about celebrating good things that happen to a person who I think deserves them. In both cases, I consider those things to be the universe working out as it should.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
You’ve never wished for the death of serial killers? Rapists? Pedophiles? Dictators? Animal abusers? The odd mime?
Somehow, I don’t believe you. But, on the off chance that you’re telling the truth… this is for you:
- Comment on BLASTing 3 months ago:
OP is Japanese.
- Comment on Anon uncovers something big 5 months ago:
I mean, anything can look like a conspiracy to a layperson who pays zero attention to 60 years of incremental progress and focuses solely on the end result. It’s the same reason why people think vaccines are evil, or that 5G towers cause COVID.
- Comment on Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement. 6 months ago:
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 7 months ago:
Huh. Guess I’ve got some vision loss.
- Comment on Why ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Is the Year’s Most Depressing Success Story 7 months ago:
This person’s basically complaining about Deadpool breaking the 4th wall, not taking the Marvel franchises seriously, and having a cavalier attitude towards storytelling. Has he never heard of Deadpool before? That’s, like, the core of his personality. This movie was the most Deadpool that a Deadpool movie could be. I mean, I get it if you don’t much care for Deadpool, but if that’s the case, why go to see a Deadpool movie in the first place? This entire article just makes it sound like this guy loves the smell of his own farts.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
which is why I said “this is how it has been done for decades”
Ok? At what point in the last several decades has a candidate won the primary, then bowed out right before being confirmed by delegates? What time in history can you point to to show that the DNC is doing something nefarious here by voting for the person the winning candidate endorsed before backing out?
This is an unprecedented event. The fact that you think it should have gone some other way is completely irrelevant.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Nothing about primaries is part of the constitution. You realize that, right? This entire time, the primary process was just bylaws of two different organizations. And this time, they weren’t able to complete the normal process because the candidate that everybody backed decided to bow out at the last minute. So what is it, exactly, that you’re mad about? Are you mad because you were operating under the illusion that this was somehow a democratic process enshrined in the constitution? Are you mad because the 81-year-old whose ego convinced him that he could totally win again was finally talked out of it? What the hell are you even bitching about?
- Comment on Chemists of Lemmy, how accurate is this likability table? 8 months ago:
Tastes like a campfire.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Like, I don’t give a fuck anymore. I don’t know what you’re trying to prove. I’m not going to try to convince you to vote for Harris. Honestly, I’d rather you suck on an exhaust pipe. But that’s neither here nor there. Your assertions that the DNC is doing something wrong are completely unfounded in reality, and your whining about Biden stepping down means that you either really wanted the Democrats to lose, or you have zero idea about what his actual chances are. So you’re either a shill, or a complete fucking moron. Either way, I have zero interest in continuing talking to you.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Well, I’m incredibly flattered that I’m the only one in your life that has ever managed to point reality out to you. Or, at the very least, I’m the only one who has gotten you to acknowledge reality.
Biden’s been facing a funding shortage for 2 months now. He blamed the shortage on it being summer. Seriously.
Harris got the nod 2 days ago, and has already gotten like $120 million in funding, and an additional $150 million in pledges to her PAC. Additionally, more than 40,000 people have registered to vote in the past 48 hours.
So, seriously, what the actual fuck are you whining about? You traded in a broken-down old cart horse for a fucking stallion. And your bitch ass is whining about it. Fuck you.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
What the fuck are you even talking about, man? Did the DNC “run an actual primary with debates” in 2012, when Obama was the incumbent? Did they run “an open convention”? Did they “allow challengers on the ballot consistently”, whatever the fuck that means?
Or did they accept that he was the fucking incumbent, and rally behind him? If you’re unsure, let me clear it up for you: they rallied behind him because he was the fucking incumbent.
The same exact thing happened with Joe Biden. That’s not party corruption. That’s just the way it fucking works.
If you dont understand why someone is disillusioned with the “choices” in this upcoming election you have bigger problems than all that impotent rage on display in your reply.
I really don’t understand why you are disillusioned. I’m guessing it’s because you are completely blind to historical realities, and woefully uninformed about how elections work. Maybe it’s because you’re a complete god damned moron. I’m honestly not sure. I would be going out on a limb speculating, so I’m not going to do that here.
Literally everything else you said
Blah blah blah. Let me recap for you: you’re whining because an incredibly weak candidate stepped aside for probably the single best candidate the DNC can field to take over. If you’re actually a Democrat voter, what the fuck are you whining about, man? Biden stepping aside just won you the election.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
I’m completely baffled. Like, you saw how much of a fucking shitshow the Biden campaign was, right? How could you see it finally come to an end, with someone who is incredibly competent taking over, and be like: “Waaaah, but muh vote!!!”?? It’s idiotic.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Again, I agree. I’d love for things to be fixed. But they aren’t. Because of voter apathy in 2016, Trump was elected president, and then he proceeded to appoint hundreds of federal judges, and 3 supreme court justices who have all been working overtime covering for his ass. So that’s the stakes. You can either vote for the people who are ineffectually trying to fix the mess, or get that dude back into power so he can make it worse.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Boo fucking hoo. “Oh, it’d be so nice to live in a world that’s not a dystopic hellscape”. YEAH WE ALL FUCKING AGREE! But you know what? That’s not the world we live in. America is divided in a 3-way split between people who want to bring back a monarchy, people who don’t want that, and people who couldn’t give a shit. Do I wish that wasn’t the case? Of fucking course I do. But, as Jayne Cobb said in “Firefly”: “If wishes were horses, we’d all be eating steak.” You can’t WISH your way into a better world. In the actual, physical world we occupy, you have extremely limited options available to you. Your options are: vote for someone you don’t particularly like, or don’t do that and therefore make it more likely that you never get to vote again.
Sorry. That’s the choice. I don’t make the rules. That’s just the way things are. Bitching about it on the internet will give you nothing.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Not sure what you think the DNC was expected to do. Biden didn’t want to step down. What, is the party supposed to run in opposition to the sitting president? Not going to fucking happen. As long as he wanted to stay in the race, he was going to get the nomination, even with his polling numbers looking increasingly bad.
So now, he finally gets convinced to step down, and it’s only like a week and a half before the convention vote. What, you expect them to run a whole new primary?
I get that you’re frustrated, but the DNC isn’t the bad guy here. Let me reiterate that: as someone who caucused for Bernie Sanders in 2016, and was incredibly angry about what the DNC did to him, I am saying that the DNC isn’t the bad guy here.
If the DNC had gone against Biden, “Turmoil Within The Democratic Party” would be the headline on every single news organization’s chyrons for weeks. They figured that going with the weak candidate would be better than blowing everything up by picking a fight before the election. They were not wrong. As long as Biden decided to remain in the race, the best thing for them to do was to support him.
so they just shove californias top cop in his place transfer his delegates and force kamala on us
Biden endorsed Harris, you dummy. She wasn’t some random nobody that the DNC just foisted onto the country. She’s the fucking VP. With the fact that it was late in the election cycle (way too late for a primary), added to the fact that she’s able to take credit for all of Biden’s accomplishments (because she is the VP), added to the fact that all of the funds raised for the Biden / Harris campaign can now be used by Harris, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT THE DNC TO DO???
Seriously, I don’t understand why your ass is chapped in the first place, nor do I understand why you think it’s somehow the DNC’s fault.
- Comment on “It’s sick” 8 months ago:
Better a martyr than a president.
- Comment on Worrying signals from the universe. 8 months ago:
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
It’d be wasted breath, really. Trump will never step down, because he’s trying to remain out of prison. If he loses, then there goes any chance he had at pardoning himself for his numerous crimes. So he’s not only the far and away favorite Republican candidate, but he’s also highly motivated to stay in the race for personal reasons. No appeal to his sense of patriotism will work to get him to step down because he has no patriotism. He’s in it for himself and himself only.
Biden, on the other hand, is just the default Democrat guy because he’s the incumbent, and the party figured that’d be enough to win, and so haven’t been trying very hard. And that has everybody terrified, because if he loses, then we get another 4 years of Trump, and probably never get to vote again. Basically, people are calling for Biden to step down because the stakes are way too high to fuck around.
- Comment on predators 9 months ago:
In retrospect, we should have noticed sooner. He was constantly asking kids to tickle him, after all.
- Comment on Why People Don’t Catch The Politics In Their Favorite Games 9 months ago:
I think you’re severely overestimating the average intelligence of the population.
- Comment on Carl? 10 months ago:
God damn, Nature. You scary.