This is the truth. Focus on yourself for now. Learn things, get good at stuff, advance your career, understand different perspectives, cook and eat healthy food that tastes good. Be somebody you really want to spend time with. A significant chunk of this is just you being confident and comfortable in who you are. Then people (including women) will be interested in spending time with you.
It helps to not be broke or ugly, but dressing well and washing yourself and smelling pleasant can get you pretty far. 10 months ago
I'm 33 still waiting 10 months ago
Same, 38.
It doesn’t happen for everyone. Life isn’t a fairly tale. :/ 10 months ago
Yeah I’m just waiting for everyone to stop uaving fun so i can sort through sloppy 1/80s 10 months ago
Maybe being the kind of person who refers to it as sloppy 1/80s has something to do with it.