- Comment on Taste the freedom 9 months ago:
That's where the hedonistic firearm owner keeps their weapon!
- Comment on Taste the freedom 9 months ago:
Gosh, Dude! Can you finally buy a holster instead of keeping it in your ass?! If you're rich enough for a deadly firearm, you're rich enough for something to carry it in!
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
I got the impression that “removing” means removing before it was really implemented. Like, it was planned and decided upon, but it wasn't ready. He checked the license and went “nope, not having it” and scrapped the feature. It doesn't truly become clear in the text, of course, but that's how I read this.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
luckily, most games are easily modded: Just put a 1-2 frames black video file where the brand logos used to be. Done.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
oh, it was the racing game? I must have gone through the text too quickly then. Yet, if we're pragmatic: How many people would have really enjoyed that game (which wasn't stellar to begin with) more with properly encoded surround sound, and how many would have enjoyed it a tad less because of the annoying logo spam on startup? I don't think Surround-Sound-enjoyers were the target audience for that one.
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
You need to toake into account that we're talking about a Kirby game here, which are all 2/2.5/sometimes 3D platformers. So The real effect of Dolby in such a thing would have been close to zero.
- Comment on Netris is an open-source cloud gaming platform with Stadia-like features using Proton 9 months ago:
Publishers will like a database because it can be modified. If they were forced to implement such a system (thus abandoning all 'sell the same game to the same person twice' for different platforms), they'd oppose a blockchain system hard, since it would make it pricier to:
a) publish seven bazillion versions of any given game
b) revoke ownership of games just because it's cheaper to do that than honor the deal they made with customers
c) correct any data-fuckups they will inevitably make because they went for the cheapest route possible to implement this, and it went pear-shaped from day 3 onwards - Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
RGB. Lots and lots of RGB.
- Comment on YouTube Blocks Access to Protest Anthem in Hong Kong 9 months ago:
Or Trump up some wild charges about tax fraud or something
- Comment on YouTube Blocks Access to Protest Anthem in Hong Kong 9 months ago:
So we want Google and such to ignore laws when we think they should be ignored? Who decides which is which then?
- Comment on YouTube Blocks Access to Protest Anthem in Hong Kong 9 months ago:
I don't get the premise of posts like that. We scold Google and other corps for not following the laws they are supposed to follow (data protection for example).and then we scold them for daring to follow lawmakers, when we don't like the laws they follow. Which is it?
- Comment on Earthquake detection kit 9 months ago:
Or you overdosed your insulin... Again... How many times does that need to happen before you finally pay attention when the doctor explains the correct dosage, Jeff?!
- Comment on Almost all Chinese keyboards have severe security flaws that can be (mis)used for mass surveillance, report reveals 10 months ago:
Can we all agree to call this vulnerability "Poobear"?
- Comment on It helps to set your preferred age range from 18-110 for full coverage 10 months ago:
You do understand that everything you said and the sentence "be comfortable with who you are" are a contradiction, right? Fulfilling all the other stuff you mentioned will take massive amounts of energy of you're not the type who does them naturally, trapping you in a cycle of "still not good enough". Vigorous self-improvement is quickly becoming the "high performer" equivalent to bulimia: a form of utter self-hatred expressed as pseudo-beneficial behavior that actually does way more harm than good.
Truth is: love is chance. You might be able to increase the odds somewhat, but in the end, none of us can really control if we.end up meeting someone we will be able to spend our lives together. Trying to constantly be different tha you'd be naturally (trying to be the career guy with hobbies sports and eating healthy, while deep down you are a lazy ass couch potato) will increase your chances of meeting someone, bit I'd argue it will not increase your chances of being happy with someone. Or being happy with yourself for that matter.
- Comment on Threatening me with a good time 11 months ago:
If there is a little less in there than she expected every day, it might take a few days until she realizes that someone is using it… so this hasn't got to be the gotcha thing at all
And the mere notion that someone really thinks sperm and breast milk are even in the remotest sense comparable in this context is utterly laughable to me. In a really upsetting kind of way. I mean... have you ever for even two seconds thought about the notion that breast milk has absolutely no sexual component whatsoever? Like... none at all. - Comment on Threatening me with a good time 11 months ago:
Why the fuck is everyone in here acting like fucking breast milk is akin to laxatives or "harmful substances" and that it was put in there to harm someone? Young mothers at work often need to pump their milk so
a) someone can give their baby at home said milk the next day in a bottle
b) the milk production doesn't decline.
I hope you all know that.
So that could just be the container she chose to store her milk in throughout the day. Besides… breast milk is not fucking harmful. Where the fuck have you lot been educated? - Comment on Thoughts on the game Timberborn 11 months ago:
Welcome back to TIM BER BORNERS
- Comment on Mental eelness 1 year ago:
The mark glows, but you feel nothing in response. Your illithid power is beyond reach until you rest
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
227? I got 2x 230. They always make it so that it is just too little so you buy another one! Slimy scammers!
- Comment on That number again is 1-800-O-Y-S-T-E-R. CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
227? I got 2x 230. They always make it so that it is just too little so you buy another one! Slimy scammers!
- Comment on A time-honored tradition 1 year ago:
This happens every time because there is something else in the fridge that needs to be cooked so it won't spoil. Then you eat the new dish instead of the old one since you just made it and the old one goes bad....
- Comment on Monogamy 1 year ago:
always touching other people! I haven't found a single doctor who didn't say goodbye to me and started seeing other people immediately! Some even had rooms to keep all the other people they were seeing at the same time as me in. They had me wait in there as well! cries I just want to feel special to one doctor for once!
- Comment on Kids in my neighbourhood did this 1 year ago:
Is that a racist depiction of Ms. Brovlofski?
- Comment on Can't block admin? 1 year ago:
Can we not pretend that "asshole" is some objective measurement? What looks like someone you really don't want in your life can be completely irrelevant to others. So you can't judge all mods because that person you find offensive obviously has to be offensive to everyone else.
- Comment on Can't block admin? 1 year ago:
Erm... I think you can't block that admin. Just a hunch, but that might be what's up here.
- Comment on 😳😳 1 year ago:
That cave even has discharge
- Comment on Microsoft paid $13B for this tech 1 year ago:
ngl, a few of them actually made the corners of my mouth twitch up for a split second, so it's better than 99% on @lemmyshitpost
- Comment on Air quality in there isn't too good 1 year ago:
well, at least you can easily... dispose of... say... unusual waste
- Comment on Do you have any grapes? 1 year ago:
No, we just sell lemonade
But it’s cold and it's fresh, and it’s all home-made.
Can I get you a glass? - Comment on Tom Morello - A Metalhead's Guide to 'Star Trek' 1 year ago:
You may be a true metalhead, but are you trve grim and frostbitten?