This should keep them up at night for the rest of their lives. . But of course if they had any kind of empathy or conscious they wouldn’t be cops in the first place.
Comment on Gunfire From Deputies Killed Teen Who Had Been Reported Kidnapped, Video Shows 10 months ago
Helicopter video 10 months ago 10 months ago
Only in America is “might have” enough reason to kill someone 10 months ago
I heard billionaires might have tried to kill people. 10 months ago
It's insane that they're just opening fire, while innocent drivers are passing by on the opposite side of that highway.
You can see a bullet bounce off the barrier.
Like WTF is wrong with your country that you allow your police force to just fire off their weapons in public like that? 10 months ago
SOP. The only thing that matters to cops is that cops aren’t put at risk. Everyone else is entirely disposable. Here’s a hostage situation where the cops killed the suspects, the hostage and a bystander 10 months ago
I think they believed it was the father running out. She was apparently wearing tactical gear. 10 months ago
She was out of the car and crouched down alone when one of the cops said “its her, shes out the passenger door” and told ger to walk towards them. Dispatch said the samr thing. As shes walking towards the cops as insteucted BY THE COPS, other cops open fire on her, shooting her several times and killing her. 10 months ago
How do you know which officer is giving instructions, who they are near, and who heard it?
In the video, I see at least eight officers, at least 20m away from the vehicle in all directions.
Who was the one that shot her?
Is there another source you can reference explaining the details? Because there’s no way anyone could know based on the video and article.
That said, this is about as American as a police interaction can be. 10 months ago
the guy she was going towards knew it was her, and he was calling her.
it looks like someone else started the “she’s coming right for us” and then others joined in - but the original cop immediately shouted “stop its her” or something.
so seriously fucked up. 10 months ago
Sounds like none of them had or followed any sort of proper protocol, and they should all be kicked off the force, charged with murder, and never allowed to work as police ever again 10 months ago
still have yet to see any evidence this is true. doesn’t look like it from the video. 10 months ago
Quite literally in the article:
“Savannah was wearing tactical gear and a helmet as she walked toward a deputy, the Sheriff’s Department said.”
Maybe the father was using her as a decoy. 10 months ago
If I were to just guess to the reason(s) US law enforcement is so inept, I’d say training and recruiting.
There’s apparently no universal training requirements for law enforcement officers. Many organizations and/or states have their own requirements, but there’s also situations where that is not the case.
Training: The following is purely anecdotal, so make of it what you want. I’m sure it’s not universally applicable. In my social circles I have a few police officers, and one of them told me of an exchange program, where he had gone to somewhere in the south east of the US. On a ride along with a deputy, they talked about training prior to patrol duty. Said deputy claimed that he/she had had no prior training, but was hired on the basis of a high school diploma, a drivers license, and no history of drugs or criminal behavior. First day on the force the deputy had been equipped with uniform, badge, gun, and a patrol car, and a couple of hours later had been driving about town, uniformed, armed, and extreheeemely nervous. Training hadn’t begun until 6 months later, and in the meantime that deputy had been driving around, scared of getting flagged down by civilians, because he/she had no idea of what to do.
In the recruiting part: Turning down applicants for having an above average IQ…/story?id=95836 does seem weird, unless you want mindless drones carrying out orders without reflection.