- Comment on Ripperonis 10 months ago:
at 1:48 they’re in Agrabah, a place that doesn’t exist
at 1:59 they’re in Agrabah, a place that doesn’t exist
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 10 months ago:
even then, it’s essentially paywalling your rights. you need to go to court, wait for the matter to be adjudicated, hope it works out in your favor, run out any potential appeals, all while paying attorneys and not being able to do something you’re legally entitled to do. If you can’t do all that, then your rights are moot.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 10 months ago:
which tv manufacturer was it that updated their eula and if you didn’t agree it bricked your tv?
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 10 months ago:
I can’t help but think that if this sort of thing proliferates that it will essentially hamstring reviews. This particular agreement might be just because the game is in alpha, but it’s part of a broader trend of ToS/EULA wishlists that are so restrictive that they’re probably illegal already buy in order to test that you have to go to court against a huge, overpaid legal team which leads to people having their basic rights violated.
- Comment on Soup 10 months ago:
- Comment on Soup 10 months ago:
okay but how do you establish any of those incentives with people who simply don’t exist? eventually the agreements fall apart as all parties involved are either dead or cryostatic, and the agreements will have to compel someone who was never party to them to take some sort of action. Like, I guess you could put a reward in trust but even then you’d need some sort of legal entity to manage and distribute it that would, itself, need an incentive in trust in order to continue, and so on in an infinite regression.
- Comment on Old comic, more relevant than ever 10 months ago:
“I’m into if statements lately”
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 10 months ago:
are you american?
- Comment on "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know" 10 months ago:
How do you propose bootstrapping a dedicated community? Genuinely asking, is the plan for there to be a dev-hosted service for a while until the community either develops or fails to develop, then to hand it off?
- Comment on "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know" 10 months ago:
what’s your solution for online matchmaking in a squad shooter?
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 10 months ago:
trees having human rights would shake up this whole system, so either you can just do things as a one-off without generalizing them or you can just shake up the whole system. obviously, this case was the former, which means that other cases can be too. way to end it by being a dick, though.
- Comment on my humps 10 months ago:
pteranodons had massive, dangly clits. thanks for coming to my TED talk.
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 10 months ago:
Technically, how all law really works at its core.
Well, that and the threat of overwhelming unilateral violence
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 10 months ago:
when the people who make the rules say “Sorry, the rules are the rules, there’s nothing we can do” remember that they literally gave a tree human rights just because they felt like it.
- Comment on palaeoartists are dreamers 10 months ago:
look I might try to hug the megapenguin if I ever meet one but that speedo is a difficult artistic decision to justify
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
yeah, I’ve been really fortunate.
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
That’s a thought I had as well, and based on my extremely limited knowledge and research I think it’s the conflict that’s being avoided. Rather than dealing with the person directly, you use indirect actions that signal the expected result when taken in that social context and then let the pressure of those expectations generate the result you need without you ever directly doing anything. My understanding is that the pressure is pretty enormous, your coworkers will basically shun you out of fear of being targeted themselves and resentment for all the work you’re not doing that they have to pick up instead.
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
I’ll be honest, I don’t know if I have to work. I do, because I like the work and I like the company I work for a lot, but I’m fairly confident that I could just show up to meetings twice a week and fudge paperwork for quite a while before anyone caught on that I’m just a hole they’re dumping money into.
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
I wouldn’t recommend anyone become a software engineer but its worked for me
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
I’ve been reading Graeber’s Bullshit Jobs and evidently they don’t fire people in Japan. If they want rid of you, they just give you less and less to do until you’re sitting in the office all day getting paid to do nothing, and the cultural expectation is that you quit out of shame rather than just accepting money for nothing.
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
a quiet quitter is someone who does their job. they use a lot of tone, insinuation and connotation talking about it, but if you press them for a definition, a quiet quitter is someone who does their job.
- Comment on What kind of institutional gaslighting is this? 10 months ago:
tacit admission that you started a business but you really wanted to start a cult. tell you what: you start paying me as much as you possibly can regardless of our employment agreement, I’ll start working as much as I possibly can regardless of our employment agreement.
- Comment on He has to be stopped 11 months ago:
Mfw face when Pizza Jimmy eats his 2 millionth pizza on a given day
- Comment on Return to monkey then? 11 months ago:
that would condemn my rats to a lifetime of constant terror
- Comment on They really want people to RTO 11 months ago:
Luckily i built a home office and gym with all the money I saved not paying for 2 hours of commuting, parking and getting lunch 260 days/year. I’ve never been in better shape mentally or physically!
- Comment on Return to monkey then? 11 months ago:
The vast majority of human waste is generated by a fraction of that 8 billion
to what end do they generate all of this waste?
- Comment on Return to monkey then? 11 months ago:
If you want a picture of the future, imagine 8 billion orangutans all pooping— at the same time
George Orangutanwell - Nineteen Eighty Fur
- Comment on Return to monkey then? 11 months ago:
Wholeheartedly agree. The only thing I’d add is that I think it’s in theoretical discussions that we underestimate how much a wild animal’s life sucks shit. In the US at least there’s enough forest that if a person wanted to get lost and be totally self-reliant they could take an honest shot at it. I think each of us has had that thought deep down in our secret hearts and, when we do, in that particular moment we make a very frank, honest and accurate estimate about how much fun it would be dying of an infection while lying face down in the cold muck. And this coming from a person who prides himself on being “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.”
- Comment on space 11 months ago:
the question is, what’s your frame of reference? if it’s the earth you’re good. if it’s the sun, you could presumably move forward any integer number of years because earth would be in the same place in its orbit relative to the sun (but try to move forward by a year and a day and you may have a bit of a chilling discovery about orbital mechanics). however, the position of our solar system (which, you’ll remember, includes the earth, the sun, me and presumably also you) is not static relative to the rest of the universe so if that’s your frame of reference then you’ll have to move in space and time instantaneously in order to move forward in time but seem stable in space to an observer whose frame of reference is the earth.
- Comment on space 11 months ago:
something an awful lot like this happens with interdimensional travel in Pratchett and Baxter’s ‘The Long Earth’. The basic plot driver is humans discovering a way to travel to the different timelines predicted by the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, and every once in a while as you’re bopping across dimensions from Earth to Earth you end up in a dimension or even a series of dimensions where, due to some sort of historical happenstance, Earthn’t.