- Submitted 19 hours ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Submitted 19 hours ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on How do you drive in Cyberpunk??? 7 months ago:
I just Akria my way around town on a bike.
I have no problems just zooming around and through vehicles in Cyberpunk. It's fun and relaxing.
- Comment on Buy 7 Days to Die at your own risk 7 months ago:
7 Days has by FAR .. the best random gen world generator of any game.
Absolutely worth it.
- Comment on I'm sorry, little one 7 months ago:
Show me a PCE-E board that can do inference calculations as fast as a 3090 but is less expensive than a 3090.
- Comment on I'm sorry, little one 7 months ago:
Well yeah, but 10x the price....
- Comment on I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns. 9 months ago:
You need one of these to fight back,
- Comment on " I think your fake eyelashes are messing up " Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jasmine Crockett argue 9 months ago:
Vote in high-schoolers, you get high-schoolers.
- Comment on Never forget... 10 months ago:
Snake Plissken Escapes from Antarctica
- Comment on Am I the only one who's "shorts" feed is all basically softcore porn? 11 months ago:
I'm just getting REAL tired of YT recommending these shit channels that have <300 views, <10 thumbs up, and yet have 20k+ subs and their just ripped videos from other sources with obviously AI generated text to voice.
I've reported a few, and YT has removed them.
Here's an example of one, out a video on random topics every 2 hours.
- Comment on Gunfire From Deputies Killed Teen Who Had Been Reported Kidnapped, Video Shows 11 months ago:
It's insane that they're just opening fire, while innocent drivers are passing by on the opposite side of that highway.
You can see a bullet bounce off the barrier.
Like WTF is wrong with your country that you allow your police force to just fire off their weapons in public like that?
- Comment on Don't call before 9, my minutes aren't free 11 months ago:
Ahh yes.. the Xennial Generation.
- Comment on Not buying a shaver from Philips again.. 11 months ago:
the new trimmer, the charger is USB-A only. Where's the previous one had the plug on it instead.
Maybe I'm confused.
Your new trimmer takes in USB (Low Voltage DC) power.
Your old trimmer took in Plug (High Voltage AC) power.
If that's the case, yeah of course the plugs would be different? You'd fry the new one with the old plug.
- Comment on Why do I get light-headed when watching TV shows or movies? 11 months ago:
That's rough. Sorry for your loss.
Fuck Cancer.
- Comment on Why do I get light-headed when watching TV shows or movies? 11 months ago:
^^^ This
People need to understand seizures are not lying on the ground shaking.
Mild seizures can be simple symptoms you described.
- Comment on Our Whole Life, Just For This Moment 11 months ago:
I see the Im14andthisisdeep crowd is making it's way to the fediverse.