There’s a whole idiom about how falling off horses is a frustrating but ultimately minor inconvenience.
There’s also a whole list of people who have died falling off of horses. So there’s that.
Comment on Anon has a power fantasy 11 months ago
Fall off a horse -> dust yourself off and get back on. There’s a whole idiom about how falling off horses is a frustrating but ultimately minor inconvenience.
Fall off a gryphon -> you are dead.
There’s a whole idiom about how falling off horses is a frustrating but ultimately minor inconvenience.
There’s also a whole list of people who have died falling off of horses. So there’s that.
It is possible to die falling off a horse. It is nearly impossible to live falling off a flying mount.
My druid always carried a feather fall potion (fantasy parachute?) until contingent spells became available
The trick then is to always fly high enough to quaff a potion in case of falling
Most fantasy settings that allow for gryphon / dragon / other winged mode of transport, also have saddles for such beasts that tether the user to the saddle/ animal. If you fall off, you unclipped your harness and deserved it.
It’s considerable extra risk and cost for insignificant benefit. Helicopters exist but I don’t take one to work.
Speak for yourself, if i had the means to fly to work…
I’ve considered getting a paramotor for this reason. The only trouble is, it’s quite a bit slower than driving.
Also magic like slow falling potions 11 months ago
Superman was paralyzed from falling off a horse. It can be way more than an inconvenience. 11 months ago
Could slip in the shower too. Not sure what my point is… just trying to be extra pedantic I guess. 11 months ago
Wait, what’s the reasoning? Dude can stop bullets and be slapped through buildings but a Lil fall screwed him? 11 months ago
It’s a joke about Christopher Reeve