DOS2 fights felt much more like a slog than BG3. Especially in higher difficulties, every battlefield ended up a nightmarish soup of elemental surfaces, which got old after awhile. I also found whittling down enemy toughness bars un-fun.
Personally, I liked both the BG3 and DOS1 systems better than DOS2. 11 months ago
I actually want them to step away from 5e/DnD in general. I loved DOS2, but I agree with another commenter that the vast swaths of elements made things challenging in a frustrating way at times. Not that that shouldn’t be a tactic to be used, but it definitely was egregious in DOS2.
5E is just… A fuckin mess when it comes to balancing the game - said as a long time DM and player. There are so many things that just irritate the heck out of me with the system that can’t necessarily be balanced with a video game slapped overtop of it. (Not to say Larian didn’t do a good job with what they were given, but still)
That being said, I am a total fanboy of Pathfinder 2e and the way things are balanced there, and I would love love love to see a CRPG under those rules. Especially if it was Larian-levels. 11 months ago
Well you’re in luck. You can play Kingmaker then Wrath of the Righteous 11 months ago
Neither of those use the 2e rules, which are quite different from Pathfinder 1e. 11 months ago
I get where you’re coming from I just love the forgotten realms. 11 months ago
Maybe they can collaborate with Obsidian on something. Pillars of eternity and tyranny were amazing, especially the latter’s magic crafting system.