You do realize the word Soccer for the actual game originated in England right?
It just so happened that “Rugby football” got shortened to Rugby and this “Associa toon (Socker) football” got shortened to Football.
Since since an American sport came around the same time called “Football” they kept the name “Soccer” for Association Football.
Just letting you know a little back story.
A small article about it can be found here.…/why-do-some-people-call-football… And there are plenty more info out there about it. 1 year ago
We had to call it soccer. we already had a sport called competitive diving, 1 year ago
When I get asked if I watch soccer as a hockey fan I have the same feelings. The Women’s version of soccer is much tougher and I would rather watch that. They take a beating and get bloodied but keep playing unlike the men falling over including the coaches from being brushed by a piece of paper.
This video does a good job capturing the differences between coaches:
This one does a great job highlighting the competition diving angle. I think artist diving might be more applicable though: 1 year ago
Isn’t American football just rugby with padding /jk