They could be in 4th grade in 2010, and be 25 now posting this. I could also believe that elementary school teachers could be among the first 5% of people to adopt a new super-inclusive type of brand new lefty language that’s just starting to be used for a new type of friendly inclusiveness in 2000. 5 weeks ago
I don’t know - the term “ableist” has certainly spiked in popularity in the last ten years or so, but even in the 90’s you’d get a bollocking for throwing around the terms “mong” or “spaz” or “flid” within earshot of a teacher.
I mean, I can see why - I hate the terms myself, but when you’re in single digits of age, it’s just used as another derisory term rather than a specific slight at someone’s physical or mental development challenges.
It still got you in hot water if you were daft enough to get caught shouting it though. 5 weeks ago
I’m not native and I discovered the word by reading a Lemmy community’s rules. 5 weeks ago
I had a teacher in the 90’s call me a spaz. 5 weeks ago
Spaz was very mild in the US and very serious in the UK. Meant kinda different things too.
The opposite for extremity in these countries at the time was fanny. Meant completely different things. 4 weeks ago
Fanny is a semi common forename in Sweden. 5 weeks ago
Were you in a big city? Mine was pretty small. I wonder if that has to do with it? I never heard the word until maybe high school or college 5 weeks ago
Nah I was in a pretty small town, semi-rural but not buttfuck-nowhere either.
It certainly wasn’t labelled “ableist” then, it was simply “being a little shit” - I only really learned of the term ableism around 10-15 years ago. 5 weeks ago
Same, but in a suburban area (suburb of major metro). Never heard of “ablism” until I found leftist communities like this online, and I grew up in a left leaning area. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the term in person, and I have kids about OP’s age. 5 weeks ago
Really? I was in a pretty medium sized city (30-40k people, suburb of 1M+ city), and we used it all the time as kids. I have kids about the age of OP and live in a similar sized city, and I catch my kids using similar language.
I grew up in a liberal area and now live in a conservative one. It would take a lot more effort than that to get suspended from elementary school, you basically need to actually beat someone up or use drugs in school to do that. 5 weeks ago
Are you saying used the word ableist? Or the r word? I’m saying the r word was used frequently in elementary and middle school and wonder how young OP must be.