No actually the people are interested and the megacorps still destroys the planet because they have no soul they worship only profit
Comment on Wobble Wobble 5 weeks ago
Honestly we are way past the point of any scientific reasoning. The public has voted that they are uninterested, and the government and all social media is about to be uninterested too. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Then why are so few people engaged? 5 weeks ago
Edit: sorry for the rant. Morning Adderall and lots of thoughts on the subject. :)
I think a lot simply don’t know what they can effectively do about it. As is usually the issue with lefty causes, it’s a lot more brain-work and more complicated than chanting a petty slogan and/or a vague willingness to raid a capitol with no actual goal or understanding in mind.
Right now, beyond just trying to hustle the next dollar to keep existing while under this stupidity, it’s very difficult for us average working-class folk to understand how we can actually punish these powers responsible. Corporations and their fascist backers have become hydras.
If there was some kind of “Here’s how you can effectively ruin these bastards’ day for a better tomorrow without risking prison” playbook we could agree on, I’m sure a lot of people would be willing.
We mock neoliberal masses for buying EVs thinking it’s saving the planet, but at the same time, buying something is one of the few levers the average person is allowed to pull, and they were told it would help. I’d like to think they mean well even though they’re being manipulated.
They try to recycle and try to vote and try to stop buying stuff on Amazon, then sigh and keep trudging along when that obviously doesn’t change anything. They probably get tired of being told they’re not doing anything, especially without some sort of unifying “do this instead.”
Some radicals block traffic and make a general nuisance of themselves occasionally and we watch as nothing happens.
Schoolkids appeal to liberal politicians to stop a doomed future and get chuckled out of the room. Nothing happens.
Whistleblowers expose corporate plans too evil for Saturday morning cartoons and end up conveniently killing themselves. Nothing happens.
I think we’re past the point of diminishing returns on silly stunts for “Raising awareness”.
Enough people know. Although complacent, they care. But give them a week off work to stop climate change and they still don’t know what options they have available to them. Or where their allies are.
Furthermore, generally we tend to want to be good people who don’t want to ruin our lives by openly warring with powers that be.
The Right gets away with their BS because they don’t negatively impact profits. They’re sock-puppet proxies for an astroturfed holy-war that’s ultimately about cutting labor and drilling more oil, so even treason charges aren’t enough.
But if we could finally stop arguing theory and get pissed off enough to march on Washington together or whatever, 2nd-amendment toting or not, we’d definitely be met with force for wanting to shut down the slave-driven garbage machines.
So besides “beg your reps” and “stop buying stupid things from evil companies” (almost everything at this point)…
What’s our rallying cry?
How do we engage? Who’s going to step up and lead? 5 weeks ago
No need to apologize for a rant! Rant away!
But if we could finally stop arguing theory and get pissed off enough to march on Washington together or whatever, 2nd-amendment toting or not, we’d definitely be met with force for wanting to shut down the slave-driven garbage machines.
Yeah, our parents and grand parents kicked the can down the road at best. I’d argue they actively made it worse. Now we get to choose to sacrifice for a tomorrow, or to also kick the can. Either way people are going to die.
What’s our rallying cry?
There really isn’t one. People would rather keep their head down, make no noise, and hope to die before things get bad (for them specifically). Nothing you can say will break them out of that rut. They have to be personally and directly affected to even have a chance.
How do we engage?
Sadly I’m pretty sure we’re past the point anything good happening through legislation. Without enough people actually caring a general strike isn’t going to work.
Who’s going to step up and lead?
Someone who’s charismatic and willing to be assassinated. 5 weeks ago
This is very well written, you hit the nail on the head. 5 weeks ago
Do you know? I don’t understand why I should know? I think many people are also so I don’t get the premise 5 weeks ago
Because most people aren’t actually interested 5 weeks ago
They cannot survive without buyers. People as a statistical whole do not care when we’re talking about entire populations 5 weeks ago
No, that is not true 5 weeks ago
No one ever really cared
That’s just not true. The problem is that the people who care were never the kind of people who’d come into power in our society. 5 weeks ago
Dayum. Well said. Though some people cared. We, the few, and Al Gore, for example. The great majority, no. It does appear that period is over, I agree. Perhaps this is how it has been for the last 4-5 decades. Maybe this hope’s death will be the last in our history. 5 weeks ago
:’( 5 weeks ago
It’s ok, some life will survive, but the pests will be eradicated. 5 weeks ago
I’m fine with that, they chose not to be worthy. I saw the masses shout it very clearly, they want to keep this nonsense going ad undas. 5 weeks ago
There could be more options to choose from if we enacted electoral reform and gave voters the freedom to vote outside the two party system with no spoiler effect. 5 weeks ago
We’d also need campaign finance reform (revoke Citizen’s United for 1), get rid of insider trading, net neutrality, etc. which would all benefit each other and benefit from electoral reform 5 weeks ago
A few people cared, fewer did anything about it. Most were more concerned with mass production of cheap shit.
Got a heat pump to replace the gas boiler, bike instead of car and replaced the concrete paved garden with what will hopefully become a wildflower meadow with shrubs on the edges. You can actually just stop buying a lot of the stuff that is causing these problems. 5 weeks ago
God people like you make it sound so easy and then I tried it to find it’s actually even easier. 5 weeks ago
I know! Its so easy its great! Plus its generally cheaper too, so I don’t have to work very hard and I still have enough money. God damn life is easy. 5 weeks ago
Your actions you promote taking care only possible by those who own houses and have the means and funds to cover the replacements.
I understand you will say the wildflowers is basically free but it takes time that you have a privilege of having.
If that’s where you set the positive actions that people can take most will not be able to achieve them and view you poorly for bragging about it. 4 weeks ago
The issue was never the average person. Corporations have always been the issue. Even if everyone on the planet tried to live as green as possible, the corporations would still cause too much damage for us to undo. The only way the average person could have made an impact was by attacking the corporations and their means of polluting the planet. That meant sabotaging their facilities. But the climate change movement was too focused on peaceful protest, and there has been evidence that points the blame for this on the corporations once again. For everyone, the issue wasn’t that they weren’t willing to live green enough (which is true that most people just didn’t bother, but it isn’t what caused the issue of climate change in the first place and wouldn’t have been the answer either), it was that they weren’t willing to risk their life and privileges to dismantle the system that caused it. The threat of climate change was not imminent or tangible enough for people to take real action.