Comment on Anyway to erase the permanent marker so I can reuse this? 5 weeks ago
I know this is a shit post, but scribble dry erase marker over it.
Comment on Anyway to erase the permanent marker so I can reuse this? 5 weeks ago
I know this is a shit post, but scribble dry erase marker over it. 5 weeks ago
This is the answer. Shit works so well I routinely just use sharpies to write on mirrors or windows when I need to. Any surface that’s glass, metal, or in a pinch hard plastic if it’s not going to sit too long. Come in later with dry erase. Fantastic way to leave notes on the mirror. Dry erase won’t hold up to the steam in a shower if it’s something that needs to be there for a bit, like an on going list, daily affirmations or some shit, or reminders. 5 weeks ago
China markers are perfect for this. I made this move a few years ago to mark my left overs in the fridge.
China markers come off when rubbed intentionally, unlike dry erase that erase with the slightest incidental rub.
Permanent markers can “bake” on in the dishwasher (as can dry erase) where China markers rub off. 5 weeks ago
OOOH, that china. I was like what a peculiar name 😂 5 weeks ago
Aka grease pencils but I’ve always known them as China markers.
My phone keeps auto correcting to capitalize China and I just am too lazy to fix it. 5 weeks ago
I’ll check these out! Never heard of em 5 weeks ago
Rubbing alcohol has always worked for me too. May be easier to have on hand than dry erase markers. 5 weeks ago
Uh can’t you just use the reminder app on your phone? 5 weeks ago
How would they use the reminder app on their phone to write on their mirror in permanent ink 5 weeks ago
No, you write on your reminder app in permanent ink. Duh 5 weeks ago
Have they tried checking the App Store? 5 weeks ago
I ignore most notifications on my phone, other than like active shit, like phone calls. Most notifications are turned off, and I’m not in the habit of actually reading notifications. It’s better for my mental health not to rely on them. I use older school methods for most shit.