- Comment on Elon Musk’s X obtains $44bn valuation in sharp turnaround 1 week ago:
- Comment on Meme gift (and note in thread) 1 month ago:
The Brave Little Toaster would probably be at the top of my list. I can still hear that Jon Lovitz radio.
- Comment on Anyway to erase the permanent marker so I can reuse this? 2 months ago:
OOOH, that china. I was like what a peculiar name 😂
- Comment on american culture 2 months ago:
- Comment on Shape of the Heart 3 months ago:
Thought it was going to turn into Saddam there for a second.
- Comment on That cereal ain't right 4 months ago:
Wish it said “Excellent source of BWAH”
- Comment on Last channel rule 5 months ago:
I remember having to crack the PIN code to access the locked channels (which would just give me access to things like skinemax late at night). I faked sick one day to stay home and set to work. I think there was a short timeout after a few failed attempts, so you only go so fast. It only took 852 tries but I got it! It was 0852, which was just a straight line up the keypad 😑
- Comment on Last channel rule 5 months ago:
To young me the most interesting part of that show was the beginning and seeing Mulder (David Duchovny) in something outside of the X-Files
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 6 months ago:
Either lack of critical thinking or driven by greed.
You get the top to vote for you by ensuring they keep and/or increase their riches. That’s done by immediate things like tax cuts, or other long term strategies like cutting environmental protections and reducing the role of gov’t, allowing businesses to rape the planet and abuse their workforce as hard as possible to increase profits.
As for the rest of his supporters, the “MAGA” crowd, they’re kept in line by keeping them stupid, allowing you to more easily feed them propaganda and influence their emotions to fit your needs. Religion teaches them to be subservient from an early age and take a back seat to a higher power, whether that be god or the charismatic talking head at the alter or on tv, all the while leeching as much money from them as possible without leaving them totally destitute. This helps explain why conservatives/religious turds continue to attack early education (less chance do them learning to think critically and question things), school lunch programs (hinder brain development), libraries (access to other ideas/beliefs), sex education and abortions (keeping those accidental pregnancies from being stopped, thereby ensuring the already uneducated and poor families continue to have kids they cannot support financially and give a good education to). It’s all very sinister when you look at the whole picture. It’s why I detest religion, not so much the concept and practicing of religion, but how evil men have turned it into a weapon, and exploiting the very people they pretend to care about. A lot of the evil they push is all done under the guise of religious beliefs/freedoms.
- Comment on Humanity making progress like it always does 9 months ago:
Idk but I’m reminded of the 2002 adaptation of The Time Machine. One of the great achievements of our civilization was an advanced AI with all of our collective knowledge that you could converse with. Feels like our AI tech is on track to get there by the time we start dying off en mass lol
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 10 months ago:
This post is about VALVE’s next game. Can’t you read?
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 10 months ago:
Because some of us want a game from Valve that’s not competitive? There are literally thousands of us out here. Why do you even care?
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 10 months ago:
Competitive shooter
Brooo I just wanna chill and have fun and play some games.
- Comment on Cannes: ‘Furiosa’ World Premiere Greeted With 7-Minute Standing Ovation 10 months ago:
I just hope the CGI in the final cut has improved from the trailer. That shit was baaaaad
- Comment on Jeff Bridges Returns For "TRON: Ares" - Dark Horizons 10 months ago:
I’m heading off this Saturday to play a part
in the third installment of the ‘Tron’ story.
Jared Leto is the star of this third one
- Comment on What do you personally use AI for? 11 months ago:
What service do you recommend for writing formulas? I’m perfectly capable of writing my own, but I’m just so lazy now.
- Comment on *sweating intensifies* 11 months ago:
I never know if I’m supposed to click the squares that have a tiny bit of the object or not. I hate the ones like this where you have to do 3-4 screens and then it fails you.
I like some of the newer captchas where it’s like “choose the heaviest animal” and it’s trippy pics of birds, dogs, and elephants.
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws' $110 and $130 editions prompt a collective sigh from potential players tired of season passes and ill-advised early access periods 11 months ago:
Fuck Ubisoft. Fuck major game publishers.
Do you live outside of the US and hate Ubisoft and the direction the games industry is headed towards? Do you live in the US and have ever ‘owned’ a copy of The Crew from Ubisoft?
Visit stopkillinggames.com to help drive a dagger through their rancid hearts.
- Comment on Starfield End of the Year Update 1 year ago:
I remember when I got the steam notification that a developer left a comment on my review. I had left some other ones recently so I was excited, then I saw it was Bethesda telling me all the “fun things” I can do after I said it was boring. When I think about it it gives me that cringy awkward feeling you get when you’re embarrassed for someone else.
- Comment on This Captcha 1 year ago:
Exactly. Not that you would need it, but it even gives an example image showing the inside of a room lol
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
My factoring gameplay loop be like:
well thought out start for the first few science packs hit constraints but continue growing with some elegance this should be enough refinery output fuck spaghetti early game modes are depleting remember I’m shit at building railways “this mile long belt is a good solution” more spaghetti I’ve been playing non stop for a week burnt out; going to take a short break 6-12 months later- let’s finish this wtf happened here… restart
180 hours played and I still haven’t launched a rocket, and I loved every minute of it and can’t wait for the next go-round.
- Comment on So I'm thinking about starting a new project 1 year ago:
I’ve now inserted into my head that CBD = Cum Boiled Dash. I hope I can forget this.
- Comment on Boys and Men in the United States Are Struggling. The Left Should Talk About It 1 year ago:
One could argue the differences between a soft semi-solid poo and liquid diarrhea, but in the end they’re both still shit that should be flushed away.