Brave little toaster, and We’re back. As well as those Disney Live Action movies that slapped.
That was my child hood.
Comment on Meme gift (and note in thread) 4 weeks ago
The Brave Little Toaster would probably be at the top of my list. I can still hear that Jon Lovitz radio.
Brave little toaster, and We’re back. As well as those Disney Live Action movies that slapped.
That was my child hood.
That movie is gold. The themes are kinda heavy and much more than relatable to adults. The air-conditioner meltdown and the toasters clown/bathtub nightmare scene always freaked me out but I still watched it over and over when I was a kid.
Is The Brave Little Toaster that unknown? I know it’s no Disney film or Anastasia but I thought it was more beloved (and known) than all the others listed here.
For some reason the part with the meadow/pond really freaked me out as a kid. Especially when it gets all quiet with the flower that falls in love with the reflection in the toaster and then dies when the toaster leaves. 4 weeks ago
It had way more fear inducement than any ‘children’s movie’ had a right to. 4 weeks ago
That scene with the cars in the junkyard doing a whole ass musical number (“Worthless”) about how they were going to die freaked me out as a kid.
Gather round, children, it’s time to learn about existential dread! 4 weeks ago
That movie is actually incredibly depressing at times. 4 weeks ago
If I remember correctly, I think the reason is that it wasn’t originally meant to be a children’s movie but for adults.