co2, which would otherwise reduce the atmosphere’s reflectivity
Just to be pedantic CO2 absorbs bands in the infrared and reemits it, energy that otherwise could be lost to space. This is part of the reason you can’t do infrared telescopes from earth.
Water is an even more powerful greenhouse gas but fortunately the earth is cool enough for it to condense back out of the atmosphere. If temps got high enough that more evaporated than condensed then you’d get a runaway greenhouse effect and we’d be truly fucked. 1 month ago
Just note that the released energy of burning fossils (or nuclear) is orders of magnitude below what the sun does. It really is only the CO2 from coal that does the heating, since it acts like insulation. 1 month ago
Yeah, that explanation is bizarre. CO2 and other greenhouse gases are the issue, not heat released from combustion. If those gases could somehow be eliminated you could burn coal and other fossil fuels without any significant consequence in terms of warming the earth. The sun is doing the overwhelming majority of heating.