- Comment on DNA 3 days ago:
- Comment on Just do them 6 days ago:
This needs to be posted in ADHD
- Comment on and we thought our thing with beans was bad 6 days ago:
No you don’t; that’s not possible. You don’t actually know what you like. How could your brain evaluate its own desires? And if you think you do, you’re wrong.
- Comment on how do you separate your clothes and linens to avoid fabric degradation and bleeding? 1 week ago:
I put whites into one pile, which allows me to use bleach if I want. The rest I split into “rough” or “heavy” fabrics (think jeans) and more “gentle” fabrics (think slacks). I’m not worried about the colors so much as wear on the clothes that can’t take a beating by getting mixed.
- Comment on I choose innovation. 1 week ago:
ITT, people who didn’t see the shower rod, ready for a separate shower liner. This is clearly a post-installation photo from a proud inventor; the shower liner will come.
- Comment on magic box rule 1 week ago:
I too like toaster ovens.
- Comment on Splat 2 weeks ago:
Sometimes you just don’t have time man.
- Comment on No one. 2 weeks ago:
There are actually two primary definitions, hence why I asked:
- to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered // to bring in by way of return
- to come to be duly worthy of or entitled or suited to // to make worthy of or obtain for
Every major dictionary has some variation on both of these, including whatever duckduckgo uses
- Comment on No one. 2 weeks ago:
How do you define “earn”?
- Comment on Share holder value 2 weeks ago:
No Christmas bonus this year.
- Comment on Before buying this printer, I made a quick search to confirm that it has wifi connectivity... (the algorithm lied to me) 4 weeks ago:
This is also why you get search results that seem like this model has wifi.
- Comment on l fixed it! 1 month ago:
I don’t think there is room for any more text.
I hope OP gets it right this time.
- Comment on That’s wild. Which Wendy’s though? 1 month ago:
OP knows. Keepsing it for itself.
- Comment on a murder investigation 1 month ago:
You put the punchline in the title. You murderer.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 1 month ago:
Many times you don’t need the first “that” at all.
Did you know that I play soccer?
Did you know I play soccer?
- Comment on Ah yes, regression 1 month ago:
I had a hard time reading. Could not stop laughing enough to get past the fourth paragraph. Sides hurt, would not recommend.
- Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 2 months ago:
I want to upvote you, but your tally is at 69 right now.
- Comment on Ok boomer 2 months ago:
See if your email provider lets you whitelist addresses. Every known sender goes to inbox, ask the rest to trash. Great for keeping things tidy and helping to sniff out fake emails from eboy.
- Comment on Science fact 2 months ago:
Which solar system?
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 2 months ago:
A) Ant man is such a stupid movie. “He keeps his same inertia even though he’s tiny” <Grown man proceeds to walk on people with no apparent physical effect>
B) Never trust Hollywood accounting
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 2 months ago:
This is, you would have to join lemmy.{country} for lands beyond the fruited plains and purple mountains majesty.
- Comment on when someone is considered trespassing, are they 'legally trespassing ' or 'illegally trespassing' 2 months ago:
Legally, they’re trespassing.
- Comment on [Answer to yesterday's question] The number of active users on lemmy-join is now back to normal 3 months ago:
*Fewer argumentative assholes.
- Comment on Cucumber 🥒 3 months ago:
Where are the ‘?’ marks. Is this how people write now.
- Comment on House spiders 3 months ago:
Temporarily Unhoused Spiders
- Comment on Stained Glass 3 months ago:
Wait. They eat mosquitos?
How do I attract more of these flying dragons?
- Comment on I'm not a good liar but need to pretend I like my current job and not rant about how much I dislike it till I find a job I like more. How do I make my coworkers and supervisors believe this lie? 3 months ago:
So, how do I become a better liar to the tune of: I want to keep working here, I like what I do, I like seeing patients leave healthy and independent to live their lives
You have to believe the lie yourself. That’s it. Find a challenge in the BS, smile, and look for growth and development opportunities.
- Comment on Crystals 4 months ago:
“Not real”
- Comment on Does a list of lemmy instance and main language exist? 4 months ago:
The main filter includes language.
- Comment on What if? 4 months ago:
So… what would happen?
I know you watched.