- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 2 weeks ago:
We saw how he reversed his Mexico and Canada tariffs soon after the stock market plunged, so he still cares about the rich who have their money in stocks. He’s also fired federal nuclear arms employees, and is trying to rehire them. So, I think he will easily make this mistake too and try to reverse it afterwards.
- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 2 weeks ago:
I think you’re right but I wouldn’t put it past Musk and Trump
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
VGA was just analog, it wasn’t because the resolutions supported weren’t HD.
- Comment on Eat that ramen 3 weeks ago:
Climate change waits for no one.
- Comment on 🗣 📢 W A T E R 2 months ago:
Hers is weird because if they were writing vertically, they would keep everything vertical, not write words horizontal.
- Comment on Jesus Christ 3 months ago:
Because there is an afterlife where you will live for eternity, so just accept fate and follow god’s plan for you—god has a plan for everybody.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
How do I create a community on Sync? Can’t find a button for that.
- Comment on Ex developer at Bethesda quit his job after 14 years and made this heavy metal horror game as a solo dev with no publisher 4 months ago:
Turok 2024
- Comment on Kitty. 4 months ago:
The graph is pretty shitty
- Comment on Return to office perks 5 months ago:
Where’s the chocolate starfish?
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
Yeah, what I remember is ibuprofen harms the digestive track.
- Comment on Just a reminder... 5 months ago:
This is the primary reason that inflation exists—so that business/corporations can steal more of your hard-earned money.
- Comment on Deep Discounts 5 months ago:
Who the fuck is going to know how to open the rear doors like that? Also, the older models required tools to open the hatch with the wire.
- Comment on Deep Discounts 5 months ago:
Ahh yes, the casket cars which you can’t open from the inside if they lose power.
- Comment on ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability 8 months ago:
I’m curious what companies have been using to screen applications/resumes before Chat GPT. Seems like they already had shitty software.
- Comment on Quick life hack 8 months ago:
The smell of rabbits? They don’t smell unless you don’t clean their litter, which is the same for other animals.
- Comment on Name & same. :) 9 months ago:
Radiology Case Reports seems to be a low quality journal.…
- Comment on Name & same. :) 9 months ago:
Research journals are often rated for the quality of the content they publish. My guess is that this “journal” is just shit. If you’re a student or researcher, you will come across shit like this and you should be smart enough to tell when something is poor quality.
- Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year ago:
They need a union.
- Comment on What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials & Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. 1 year ago:
Yes, a universal pension system is the solution.
- Comment on This is the way 1 year ago:
It’s bitter