- Comment on identity theft 1 week ago:
Eigen see how this is confusing, I don’t get it either
- Comment on it really do be like that 2 weeks ago:
Try explaining the physics behind any graphics or sound application without using the name Nyquist
- Comment on Everyone needs a hobby 4 weeks ago:
I could see this kind of idea being wildly popular for ttrpg dungeon masters. If you know anybody who owns multiple 20 sided die there’s a good chance they’ve done some amout of fantasy world building before
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a femcel 4 weeks ago:
Glad this comment was here. I read it as “mold” and was turbo confused haha
- Comment on I miss you like the desert. 5 weeks ago:
Yikes. This makes me think of people who have hurt me
- Comment on Happy Valentine's Day! 1 month ago:
Oh no. No no no no no. I stopped having nightmares about this little fucker years ago. You can’t make me go back!!
- Comment on Soldier who died in Cybertruck left writing criticizing government, authorities say 2 months ago:
I mean, at the end of the day the American military is primarily a force of blue color workers that have been swimming in propaganda for their entire career which tells them that the most honorable thing they can possibly do is die to protect their family and their country. At some point a lot of them are going to have the realization that rich men in America are a far greater danger to their country and loved ones than the goat herders they’ve been killing in the desert for the last 3 decades. I’d bet that every American billionaire is individually responsible for more American deaths in the past 30 years than the entirety of the middle east combined. Realizing that you’re a stormtrooper rather than the freedom fighter you were told you would be is a tough pill to swallow.
I’ll never be able to forget the sight of a pile of burning corpses and I’ll never forget the pain I’ve seen my friends and family go through to get an insurance company to pay for things like insulin or cancer treatment. The growing number of people in/previously in the American military who have had these kind of experiences is a massive problem for the oligarchs.
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 2 months ago:
I’ve never believed in god, but I think I can believe in saints now after Saint Luigi and Saint Javelin
- Comment on Anon tries to help 2 months ago:
Identifying flirting when you’re autistic is hard. I did an extra-cirricular in highschool that involved regular travel for tournaments. One time while on one of those trips a girl on the team knocked on my hotel room door and asked if she could sleep in my room because her roommate was being loud, so I let her in and she slept with me in my bed. I mean slept in a very literal sense; I took her at face value and thought she was just trying to get better sleep for the tournament the next day. I did not understand that she was flirting with me until years later when the roommate who was “being loud” that night tore into me for rejecting her and destroying her self esteem. The kicker is that I was into her, I just had no idea she liked me. It seems very plausible to me that anon is/was that bad at identifying flirting
- Comment on levitation 3 months ago:
I had to be at the mag lab in Tallahassee semi regularly during my undergrad, where they would demonstrate the magnetic levitation of a frog from time to time. The place had systems with cryo pressure high enough to turn an improperly sealed hatch into a very deadly projectile for anybody unlucky enough to be in the same room
- Comment on little roombas 3 months ago:
Sounds like you’re smoking those millipedes through the wrong orifice my dude
- Comment on u wouldn't 6 months ago:
OP you have to be my favorite username to see on lemmy when I’m looking for a good entertaining post. Keep up the quality memes!
- Comment on Is your writing skibidi? 6 months ago:
I’m trying to remember the brainrot memes from my childhood but I can’t because I am le tired
- Comment on Publishing Revenue 6 months ago:
I quit a physics phd path just under a decade ago because my experimental results were turning up negative and the uni I was at pushed me to doctor my results so we would keep getting funded. I also wonder about this
- Comment on that's it that's the whole show 7 months ago:
I’m afraid to watch this show again because I remember it being an awesome trippy mess, but I don’t want tonrealize it’s all nostalgia and the show actually sucks so I can’t rewatch it
- Comment on Choose your fighter! 8 months ago:
To each their own, lol. I don’t find country boring, I find it actively grating on my ears. Like, to the point that I will mute movies and put on subtitles if the soundtrack goes country. Having that as background noise sounds like my personal hell
- Comment on Choose your fighter! 8 months ago:
I’m both the shorts guy and the music guy, though I do enjoy screamo. Country is my “I can’t listen to this dogshit” genre
- Comment on Anon makes popcorn 8 months ago:
I’ve never had a microwave or a bag of popcorn for which 2min was the wrong answer
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
You got it backwards, he lifts to improve jerking vigour.
- Comment on Reject reality 8 months ago:
This is where most of my passwords come from
- Comment on I should be banned from using microwaves 8 months ago:
Mine does that but only the 1-6 buttons. And like… if I’m being honest microwaving something for longer than 6 minutes is probably less than 1% of my total microwave usage, but it feels like the greatest injustice ever experienced by anybody when I have to press cook time then 8 0 0 to get my microwave to run for 8 minutes
- Comment on Taxonomy 8 months ago:
I thought there was a rule about just adding every new plant species to brassica
- Comment on Physics 8 months ago:
I can’t remember which text it is, but it opens talking about a bunch of physicists studying stat mech then suck starting shotguns. Then it goes “and now it’s our turn to study statistical mechanics”
- Comment on This qualifies as a Sandwich 9 months ago:
This does not look like it would keep ones hands clean enough to play cards while enjoying their meats and cheeses. The Earl of Sandwich would be dismayed
- Comment on Me irl 9 months ago:
F.D.C. Williard finally has some competition
- Comment on Stare at it. 9 months ago:
If I’m ever staring at math, I’m absolutely not processing visual information while doing so. It’s more that like, I’m staring off into space and thinking and “math on a whiteboard” just happens to be the last thing I was looking at and my face is still pointed that way
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 9 months ago:
Be on site military contractor Told I’ll be making infinitemoney.jpg Actually make slightlymorethangs.jpg but with no pension Tfw ptsd from analyzing combat footage Tfw actively and daily shunned as “not one of us, just a dirty filthy contractor” Tfw you can’t get another engineering job because your entire portfolio is classified Tfw when there is no mental health support or support groups available for aforementioned “just a dirty filthy contractor” reasons Decide to go back to college instead of killing self Check brand new school email “Hi, my name is Sgt Fuckface! Here at the national guard we’re looking for promising young graduates like you”
- Comment on This is a theory house only!!! 9 months ago:
- Comment on Mine vibrates the entire fume hood like a broken washer. 10 months ago:
I saw the who would win meme format with a centrifuge on the left and I was totally expecting a stuxnet joke
- Comment on Against The Storm v1.1 update is out, improving early game variety and bringing a lot of QoL features 1 year ago:
I’ve really enjoyed how much ATS incentivizes that optimization, given that years spent on a settlement count toward the blightstorm cycle. It’s really satisfying to figure out how to max rep as quickly as possible, especially with really hard modifiers like the “no orders” one