- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 1 month ago:
crowdsourced content moderation
I’ll take oxymorons for $200, Alex
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
I concur. Good explanation.
- Comment on Is this what every election is like? 3 months ago:
It’s remarkable how effective that strategy has been.
Reagan/Bush ran up the deficit by 300%+ due to tax cuts and massive military spending, foreign wars
Clinton paid it all off, got the economy booming, scaled back military spending and foreign entanglements
GWB campaigns on a platform of tax cuts and increased military spending, along with denying climate change, barely wins
deficit skyrockets due to tax cuts, multi trillion dollar wars, lack of financial regulation collapses global economy
Obama has to save the economy again, extricate us from foreign entanglements again, while fighting against a republican establishment that refuses to pass any legislation
Trump administration completely fails to deal with COVID pandemic and tanks the economy yet again
Biden has to clean up that mess, and the resultant inflation is blamed on the Democrats
How many times are people going to fall for this shit?
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
Well I mostly was already familiar with “if and only if” terminology from some math class many years ago. So once you said iff stands for “if and only if” I didn’t really look to close at the rest of your comment bc I felt like I already understood.
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
Cool, TIL
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
I agree with you on that.
But alternatively: humans can only see a portion of the whole reality of a given situation, and that specific angle can often be misleading.
- Comment on It's a matter of perspective 4 months ago:
Are “Iffs” a thing? I’ve been missing out.
- Comment on ps2 graphics 4 months ago:
Yeah that’s what I meant, very true. But the setting is much easier to optimize.
- Comment on ps2 graphics 4 months ago:
Rule 1 of tripping. The setting dictates everything.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
I think you owe me an apology. It took me a while to copy paste all that senseless vitriol and you won’t even acknowledge your mistake. Disappointing.
- Comment on Clipped it blud 4 months ago:
It’s a timeless classic
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
Look at their comment history. They can’t go two days without getting in a dig at Americans. Even when it’s completely irrelevant and off topic. I’m just pointing out that this person has a bone to pick and not to take it personally.
The funny part is that they’re often completely wrong when they try to talk shit. Like here, thinking that India having a larger population than the US is some kind of gotcha moment, despite less than 10% of that population speaking English.
I’ll just transcribe a few lovely comments from our good friend Mr Blott.
Glock pistols popular in US because of the proliferation of fucking cowards
Scared of their own fucking shadows, those pussies
What’s the difference between a cow and 9/11
You’d stop milking a cow after 23 years
Seems a bit unnecessary when you could just dress the ivy up like schoolkids and the yanks would wipe it out in a week
I’m guessing a yank whose great great great great great great grandfather once wiped his cock on a strudel
They’re using American weapons, they should just aim for schools
Holy fuck, yanks are weird
God I’d hate to have such poor reading comprehension. You’d last about a minute in UK based communities lol
You’re not out of the dark ages, you quivering shitebag lol
You mean prison slavery? That’s the US, get on it lol
Did it come out of the States?
If so, guaranteed utter fucking horseshit
You can punch your hand through your plasterboard mate lol
You can always spot an American because they’re so fuckin scared of everything. Look, this one’s scared of his own shite 😂
Of course!
Just lose the -
- Guns
- Tiny-penis trucks
- the “right” to hate-speech
- the religious weirdo thing
And you’ll be getting close to the 20th century!
Know how yous get upset when people say “Americans are stupid”
Literally a third of you have demonstrated that you’d eat gravel if someone said it’d cure immigrants
A third. So lets just say only half of the other two thirds are stupid
That’s quite a few. Almost a quarter pounder
Yous cunts are greedy to the point of being fuckin EVIL
That’s just… evil, taking money from poor folk and their kids
How are yous letting evil cunts do this to your fellow citizens? How are you not fucking getting the flaming torches out?
Selfish fucking cunts, the lot of you. Stand up for not just yourselves, for all of yous
The bot is only “spreading misinformation” to people who are too stupid to realise that “left” and “right” mean politically different things in different countries
Mostly the yanks
I feel really sorry for this guy
What kind of unhinged parents call their kid Tyreek?
This is just from the past few weeks lmao. This dude has issues.
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
Danke schon 🙃
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
Mr Blott really really really likes to denigrate Americans. Don’t rain on his parade
- Comment on I hate how anything without "world" in its name is just about the US 4 months ago:
Don’t ever talk about kilometres in here. Are you trying to spark an international incident?
FWIW ich habe Deustch gelernt. Aber ich habe die meistens vergessen 😔
- Comment on With a budget of $120 million, Francis Ford Coppola's "Megalopolis" grossed only $4 million on its opening weekend, making it one of the worst box office openings for a $100M+ movie to date. 4 months ago:
Damn I gotta watch this ASAP
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Between 2 and n “hexbears” (understood to mean “humans afflicted with hexbear mind virus using other servers”) are behaving in some coordinated way. You were pretty clearly implying that it’s some conspiracy rather than simply other users disagreeing with you.
Lol what are you on about? People who use hexbear (i.e. hexbears) share similar traits, interests, and behaviors. They use hexbear because they fit in on hexbear, and in order to fit in on hexbear you need to pass a an extensive series of ideological purity tests, which result in the homogeneity and cult-like behavior that occurs.
Hexbear is quite explicit about this, they don’t want anyone with any sort of divergent political views on their server. They clearly revel in “dunking on libs” by chain downvoting and harassing people when they say things that the hexbear hive mind disagrees with. And yet always claim innocence when their obvious brigading is called out, as you are currently doing.
It is a real problem for everyone who’s not a hexbear, because it means that we can’t have sane, civil conversations about certain political issues on Lemmy, because CCP apologists and edgelord larping teenage “leftists” constantly butt in and derail the discussion with their potent combination of ignorance and self righteousness.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
I never asserted that “anyone downvoting must be a hexbear alt”. There you go again, misrepresenting my point just to feel like you’re winning.
I’m quite sure that non-hexbears are downvoting OP also. But that wasn’t what you said, was it? You could have said that originally, but instead you decided to mock OP and act like he’s crazy and there’s no way he is getting downvoted by hexbear users, which is disingenous and lame.
You know what you’re doing, I don’t need to explain your own bad faith tactics to you.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Lemmy, famous for not allowing alt accounts 😅
This is why people don’t like hexbear, because they consistently try to gaslight and use disingenous arguments such as this. How are you disputing the fact that OP is getting downvoted by hexbears right now? That’s insane.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
That sub is trash also. I think the whole conspiracy theorist subculture has been taken over by the alt right and is highly politicized at this point.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Really? Damn that’s crazy.
- Comment on Take a gander at this 8 months ago:
I don’t think anybody is expecting women to do administrative work on behalf of men’s rights. It’s more that women tend to react with outright hostility when men advocate for other men.
It’s actually the feminists who frequently argue that men need to be fighting for women’s issues. I haven’t seen the reverse from male advocates, partially because it’s quite obvious that such a request would be summarily denied. Men generally just want:
funding for men’s shelters
sympathy & aid for male victims of domestic violence and sexual assault
solutions for the growing educational achievement gap
a discussion about various legal discrepancies when it comes to conscription, marriage, and parental rights and responsibilities.
None of this requires women to assist or flex their institutional power. But when men are systematically denied access and funding for various forms of governmental aid, it seems like certain women are flexing some of their institutional power to prevent men from having access to the same kind of social safety net that women enjoy.
It’s emergency airplane crash logic. Put your own supply of air on before you help the person next to you.
This is a faulty analogy, because men’s issues are women’s issues and vice versa. It’s impossible for women to actually solve their own problems without also solving men’s problems. How are women ever going to keep their oxygen masks on if they are surrounded by men who are suffocating and trying to rip the mask from their face? In order to help anyone, you need to help everyone.
- Comment on Take a gander at this 8 months ago:
To be fair, the men’s rights movement is absolutely characterized as alt-right by the mainstream media. People tend to assume all sorts of things about you when you bring up any kind of men’s issue. Most people (including other men) have difficulty empathizing with grown men, and thus they subconsciously expect that men’s advocates are motivated by something else, such as misogyny. It’s hard to move past our biological and cultural tendencies and view men as vulnerable and in need of support.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 8 months ago:
I’m not insulting anybody. I’m simply stating the fact that it’s smart to wear a helmet, because if you hit your head on the ground, you could die. That’s all.
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 8 months ago:
You make some good points.
I don’t wear one and I judge myself for not doing so 🤷
Complicated issue.
- Comment on Pros / cons of riding a bike? 8 months ago:
Could be even lower if they wore helmets though. I don’t even wear a helmet myself, but it’s objectively smart to do so.
My friend went got something caught in his front wheel and went over the handlebars at 30mph. Could have been turned into a vegetable if he wasn’t wearing a helmet.
- Comment on Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be? 8 months ago:
Not really. Lemmy is filled with skeptics, rebels, and independent thinkers, and there are only like 50,000 monthly active users.
You know what’s a much better target for propaganda? Reddit or any corporate social media site. The users are simpleminded and easily manipulated and you don’t even have to worry about moderators, you can simply run ads if you’d like.
- Comment on Is it just me or do Lemmy communities tend to skew left wing? Why might this be? 8 months ago: is actually bigger in terms of userbase now. And SJW about the same size. But .ml still hosts a lot more communities so I guess that also counts for something
- Comment on For the first time in 28 years, Super Mario 64 has been beaten without using the A button – and it only took 86 hours 9 months ago:
What a time to be alive
- Comment on Honeypot 9 months ago: