Comment on Is this what every election is like? 3 months agoIt’s remarkable how effective that strategy has been.
Reagan/Bush ran up the deficit by 300%+ due to tax cuts and massive military spending, foreign wars
Clinton paid it all off, got the economy booming, scaled back military spending and foreign entanglements
GWB campaigns on a platform of tax cuts and increased military spending, along with denying climate change, barely wins
deficit skyrockets due to tax cuts, multi trillion dollar wars, lack of financial regulation collapses global economy
Obama has to save the economy again, extricate us from foreign entanglements again, while fighting against a republican establishment that refuses to pass any legislation
Trump administration completely fails to deal with COVID pandemic and tanks the economy yet again
Biden has to clean up that mess, and the resultant inflation is blamed on the Democrats
How many times are people going to fall for this shit?