- Comment on I just gotta find out what Edward Bernays was up to okay!??!? 4 weeks ago:
And they are wrong and I have to correct them.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
In this political climate a 10 day general stroke would be dealt with by deploying the army.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
Cunt is also genderless.
I’m a cunt. He’s a cunt. She’s a cunt. We’re all cunts!
- Comment on Interesting analogy 3 months ago:
Seagulls be like…
- Comment on Admin team update 3 months ago:
Thank you for your service!
- Comment on Anon awakens an ancient evil 4 months ago:
It’s almost like modern United States were built on an ancient Indian burial ground…
- Comment on Amateur Entomologists 4 months ago:
There was a Dr who episode with this plot, but the insect inside the earth was a spider.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 6 months ago:
I mostly agree with you, but that’s the reason why I picked an instance that does not block them: sometimes it is good to see the world from a different point of view. And it’s not like the other Lemmy instances are completely free of propaganda either.
- Comment on Please stop making Alien movies 6 months ago:
My comment was truncated, but your rudeness convinced me to stop interacting with you.
- Comment on Please stop making Alien movies 6 months ago:
Alien and aliens are 2 very different take on the same idea, that is not the reviewer claim.
Their point is that Romulus is a useless remake of a much better original.
- Comment on Anon drives a bus 7 months ago:
No one has the time to check every escooter against a long list of battery supplier every time one wants to board.
- Comment on Why u always lying? 8 months ago:
What the hell do dolphins have to do with it?
- Comment on Why u always lying? 8 months ago:
Blank does not mean empty.
- Comment on Shocking 8 months ago:
Do you know how many times I’ve tested the cattle electrified fence just to see what would happen?
- Comment on Help me out here 8 months ago:
No clue, but I would start by not referring to them as females, just a hunch.
- Comment on Tough Trolly Choices 9 months ago:
Can I take the axiom of choice?
- Comment on This is a theory house only!!! 9 months ago:
The cover should read “theoretical physics”
- Comment on Futures 10 months ago:
Actually, it’s a lot better to dig, free radiation shield!
- Comment on the hunger 11 months ago:
Of course he’s still hungry, he hasn’t finished eating any of the people he bit!
Bad caterpillar! You are not allowed to bite another human until you finish the one you’ve started!
- Comment on stoners 11 months ago:
How could you tell them apart from the night geologists and the woods geologists?
- Comment on Am I the only one who's "shorts" feed is all basically softcore porn? 11 months ago:
I think the real lesson is: do not login and purge your cookies and browser storage regularly.
- Comment on Math and Physics Majors 1 year ago:
That’s what I did, in the end. But in the mean while I got to study something I am passionate about.
- Comment on the sensory biology of plants 1 year ago:
Merlin Sheldrake be like:
- Comment on the fuckgraph 1 year ago:
That circle is just the scientific representation of the old Tom Leherer song!
- Comment on the fuckgraph 1 year ago:
That paper is the scientific version of the old Tom Leherer song!
- Comment on Good Omens Renewed for a 3rd and Final Season on Prime Video 1 year ago:
Given how disappointing and out of nowhere the seasons 2 ending was, I’m not exactly thrilled by this piece of news, but we’ll see.
- Comment on What the actual f*** is this Rockstar? 1 year ago:
Please drink a verification can…
- Comment on How can i know whether a website is a part of the fediverse? 1 year ago:
I don’t think there is a prescribed way to advertise being part of the fediverse.
Hopefully there will be a fediverse icon (the colorful pentagram somewhere on the page.