- Comment on Anon's date has a third degree burn 1 month ago:
Especially if they’re gonna use it as lube…
- Comment on Funko gets community noted 2 months ago:
This is definitely a warning on AI use for decision-making… BrandShield’s AI identified and reported the issue using AI. Apparently IWantMyName also used an automated process to disable the site. Linode had a human in the mix and did the right thing.
Ultimately, this did more damage to the Funko brand, which is the opposite of what you want from a brand protection platform. I’d expect this to ripple through both BrandShield and Funko as to how they handle these cases and which platform they utilize.
- Comment on Funko gets community noted 2 months ago:
Wow, way to spin… I’m currently looking at Brand protection for my company but have crossed BrandShield off the list… Companies hire third parties to handle brand protection because it doesn’t make sense to staff internally.
Funko and other companies don’t want their brand used without their permission.
This wasn’t necessarily showing them in a bad light, it was a fan page, but it appeared like it was an official Funko entity, imitating the Funko Fusion Dev site.
The issue was reported to both Linode and the name provider. Itch took down the page. Linode contacted Itch and closed the case after the response. The name provider ignored Itch’s response and went nuclear… Funko contacted the name provider to clarify and get itch back online.
- Comment on Funko gets community noted 2 months ago:
Terrible analogy…
Brand protection is something that a lot of companies care about and many use third parties to handle it.
A much better analogy is if you were to hire security guards to protect your person and property and an overzealous guard kills someone. That happens often enough, we know the guard is on the hook, but the boss is rarely charged unless he was micro-managing it.
- Comment on Funko gets community noted 2 months ago:
They blamed the service provider… BrandShield called for removal of the page, not the whole site.
- Comment on Funko gets community noted 2 months ago:
Some people are looking past the partner or putting “partner” in quotes.
Funko doesn’t handle these takedown requests, they hired BrandShield for this. BrandShield definitely went overboard and their reputation is at risk.
I’ve shopped around for brand protection in the past when scammers registered a domain name with my company’s name in it, and used it to do fake job offers. We got the domain suspended by contacting the registrar, but we didn’t know about it until it was reported to us.
- Comment on I don't have any kids 2 months ago:
You don’t have any kids… any more…
- Comment on We were there monkeys all along 3 months ago:
There is nobody here that doesn’t understand the premise of the original thought… It does not invalidate a joke about evolved monkeys.
- Comment on We were there monkeys all along 3 months ago:
Totally expected Simpsons reference…
- Comment on Did 70% of Wisconsin voters just delete their own constitutional guarantee to be eligible to vote? 3 months ago:
A qualified elector is a different thing than a voter. Electors are those that are selected by the parties to travel and participate in the Electoral College. The voters determine which set of electors get selected.
- Comment on Seeking feedback: how should move forward with external images? (related to frequent broken images) 4 months ago:
Storing permanently locally doesn’t sound like a good solution…
If you could adjust the length of time to keep cached/proxy’d images locally and increase it significantly, I’d think that would be the preferred solution.
- Comment on ps2 graphics 4 months ago:
My bad, I looked up Western Samoa and got redirected to regular Samoa not American Samoa…
Hopefully the Kender is not too angry and won’t “borrow” all my stuff.
- Comment on ps2 graphics 4 months ago:
I’ll give that a shot… Does that mean the US also owns much of Europe and any country in the UN?
- Comment on ps2 graphics 4 months ago:
Also not part of the US
- Comment on ps2 graphics 4 months ago:
Western Samoa is no longer… And how is it part of the US?
- Comment on Outliers 4 months ago:
The “median” should cover that unless the super rich are over 50% of the population.
- Comment on I hope you don't have any plans this evening. 5 months ago:
To inflate the dolls… He prefers doing chicks when they’re high.
- Comment on Instruments 5 months ago:
My sister is the big violin.
- Comment on Delicious 5 months ago:
That’s the name of my metal band…
- Comment on Wii Fit 7 months ago:
The method described reveals the level of liquid within the container. There is a distinct difference above and below.
- Comment on Knowledge is power 8 months ago:
France is Bacon
- Comment on Praise Sheezus 9 months ago:
One was direct development of an egg into an embryo, the other was conversion of an animal from one sex to another to facilitate mating.
- Comment on Boston Creme 9 months ago:
That will go perfectly with my beverage of choice
- Comment on Great Lakes Mnemonic 11 months ago:
Not one of the Great Lakes… It is tiny compared to them
- Comment on Chart to determine risk of bear attack 11 months ago:
Dude, so do I
-the bear
- Comment on makes sense 1 year ago:
The part where it said “Christmas Bonus” should have been the tip off…
- Comment on Twitter/X new ID Verification - First Look 1 year ago:
Less than 2B of the 44B was from bin Talal… They are the second largest investor behind Musk but there is a ginormous gap between first and second.