- Comment on Hey you guys. 3 weeks ago:
Right, this seems a little blasphemous. Sloth friend!
- Comment on answer me, gregory 3 weeks ago:
🎵 La cucaleche, la cucaleche 🎵
- Comment on Life goals 5 weeks ago:
That looks like Judy. She’s more of an inflatable companion. Only hole she has is the air nozzle.
- Comment on Ernest star Bill Byrge dies at the age of 92 as family reveals heartbreaking news 2 months ago:
The title is ambiguous in this sense, but it’s likely referring to being heartbreaking to the family, not so much the general public.
- Comment on My favorite 2 months ago:
Is there anything with visiting New Jersey for? (Asking in good faith. I just haven’t ever heard anything good)
- Comment on These dames wanting inclusivity 2 months ago:
Is it hypothetical because no one has wanted to reproduce with you for some elusive reason?
- Comment on Margot Robbie Baffled Over ‘Babylon’ Flop and ‘Still Can’t Figure Out Why People Hated It’: ‘I Wonder If in 20 Years People’ Will Be Shocked It Bombed 3 months ago:
I loved it! Was so glad it came to the small theater in my little mountain town. Saw it on the big screen and later watched it at home. I’m sure I’ll watch it again.
- Comment on "I have an story/fanfiction idea ruminating my mind for a long time. I wish I could write it " 3 months ago:
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 4 months ago:
We all know that’s not true. He hates his supporters. He just didn’t realize the first time through that they were trashy and ::gasp:: poor.
- Comment on I regret glamorising the Kray twins, says producer of hit film 4 months ago:
Weird, I just came across this while waiting for the ads to finish to start Legend, a movie about the Kray twins.
- Comment on Mushrooms 4 months ago:
You’re right, my word choice makes it seem like I was saying fungi and humans are genetically related. Thanks for clarifying.
- Comment on Mushrooms 4 months ago:
I was thinking, “he is a real mycologist,” before I figured out to whom you were referring.
- Comment on Mushrooms 4 months ago:
There’s a Paul Stamets video where he talks about how mushrooms are so closely related to humans that we both fight off similar pathogens and that is why they are so useful to us for medicine (penicillin for example.)
- Comment on Todd Phillips: Movie Theaters Should Ban Commercials Before Films 4 months ago:
Totally get it, if it’s not worth it, don’t buy it.
I pay right around $20/month for unlimited movies. It made it affordable and fun to be able to go see a movie whenever I like. Sometimes my wife and I see a few movies in a week, sometimes we might just see a few movies a month. The way it balances out, we still see a ton of movies super cheap. If we want a popcorn or soda, we have loyalty points built up that cover it. We might pay $1 to upgrade to the large.
I love seeing movies on the big screen. I like that it forces me to pay attention compared to distractions at home. It’s immersive. I live in a small town so the theater isn’t usually packed.
- Comment on Help me to settle on a face design for the character I've just added to my game, called The Humorless Toaster. (It's only here to make toast, not listen to your nonsense.) 6 months ago:
Get it to the corners of the lips and thick, you got a Tom Selleck, just around the edge, you have a Ron Swanson, 2cm past, you’re into Fu Manchu territory
- Comment on The heart wants what the heart wants 6 months ago:
It’ll come back, has before, till then I’ve gone to the steak grilled cheese burrito
- Comment on Choose wisely! 1 year ago:
I saw that and thought, I’ll take two loads right now! No, three!
- Comment on ‘Frasier’ Revival Sets Premiere Date at Paramount+, First Two Episodes to Air on CBS 1 year ago:
You cared enough to post the article