- Comment on Trust your training 2 weeks ago:
It was ruined for me when I was getting my masters in genetics and learned that “mitochondria” is plural, and the singular is “mitochondrion.” So, it’s either “the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell” or “the mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell,” and neither feel right.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
Glad I could jog your memory! Yeah, I even went so far as to email the current owner of the rights to it about a sequel a few years ago, and basically got the generic “Maybe one day” response.
- Comment on Emulating PS2 for my Steam Deck, would love any recommendations! 4 weeks ago:
Try Steambot Chronicles! It’s my favorite game of all time by a wide margin, but it’s been forgotten by time. It’s a really cool adventure game with a ton of different things to do, from piloting a giant robot to playing different musical instruments in a band, to decorating your own little apartment, and a bunch of other stuff! There’s a lot of dialogue choices to make too that can affect how people treat you, and lead to a few different endings, including being a hero vs a villain. The graphics and soundtrack are great, too! I can’t recommend it enough!
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Yeah, if (more like when) things go south for the daughter, he’s going to want her to feel safe and supported enough to call him. If she feels pushed away she might not reach out for help when she needs it, which is the worst case scenario.
- Comment on You never know 2 months ago:
This is a very good thing. If you don’t know something, you can always look it up to figure it out, but there are so many times where people incorrectly think they already know about things, so they never look them up and realize they were wrong the whole time.
- Comment on Time travel is easy, it's just lame 2 months ago:
I saw it on TV when I was 7 or 8. I had nightmares for months.
- Comment on Finally someone turned Doom into an enriching cultural experience for art snobs 2 months ago:
Love the “Arms: 2”
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Well, yeah, in an ideal world a person should be able to pursue an education and a career and still have time to pursue romantic interests as well, but that’s not really the world we live in, at least not for a lot of people. If someone wants to really devote themselves to their career instead of spending time dating, and their parents want to handle the hunt for a good partner, it doesn’t sound like a bad arrangement so long as everyone’s happy.
Again, it’s not for me, and I’d imagine it’s not for a lot of people, but so long as everyone’s given a choice and this is what they choose, I think it’s fine. Yes, I’m sure not everyone is truly given a choice, but that would be the issue with this: not arranged marriages in general, but specifically the idea that a child must obey their parents regardless of their own aspirations.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I used to think it was really creepy and archaic, but an Indian friend of mine says that it was a real load off of her shoulders to just leave it up to her parents to put the work in, and she says she’s happy with the man they found for her. Still wouldn’t be for me, but I at least now see it as an acceptable option for people who want it. I doubt it’s a fun topic of discussion when the kid doesn’t want it but the parents do, but that’s not unlike already existing contested topics like career choice and grandkids.
- Comment on Way to learn a language 2 months ago:
I had a friend in high school whose family moved to America from Vietnam when they were around 5. They said they learned English from watching TV all day.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
For more fighter jets, obviously.
- Comment on But of course we don't want to poison our child. 3 months ago:
Once someone stops thinking that they should do what the scientific and medical communities advise, it’s not a large step for them to start thinking they should do specifically what they advise against.
- Comment on Neat layered singing 4 months ago:
Yeah, I’m already sick of this song just from hearing it in the background of the tiktok videos my wife watches before bed.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 months ago:
This is honestly the reason why I don’t think we can achieve a successful uprising anymore. Probably not a nuke, but drones definitely could and would be used to tear through even the largest of mobs if they formed today. Marie Antoinette would be happily eating her cake watching her people get mowed down by autonomous turrets if the French revolution happened today.
- Comment on New York Times Tech Staff Strike, Ask Readers Not to Play Wordle and Other Games in Solidarity - GAMESCENSOR 4 months ago:
Dang, I just started playing a couple weeks ago. But I guess that means I made it just in time to be one of the people who stop playing in solidarity!
- Comment on If I threaten a politician to kill them like Trump did to Liz Cheney could I be arrested? If so how come Trump hasn't been arrested for it? 4 months ago:
Would you be arrested? Probably not, but you’re more likely to be than Trump. See, committing a crime isn’t the only factor that influences whether or not you get slapped with the punishment for that crime, even if it’s plainly obvious to everyone you committed it. Another major factor is whether or not someone is going to go through the effort of ensuring you get punished - if nobody does, or if they try, but can’t get to that finish line of getting a judge to declare you to be guilty in court, then you walk away scot-free.
So, the thing that’s keeping you from being arrested is your relative insignificance. You’re just some person, so it’s unlikely that anyone will go through the trouble of ensuring you receive the punishment for the crime you committed, even if it’s a relatively easy thing to do. Now, if you were to go on TV and say it, that would significantly increase your risk, since now more people are seeing you and someone who gives a shit might decide to go after you. That would be damning for you, since it would require very little effort to punish you - you clearly committed the crime, and you have no way to influence the court to make you harder to punish.
For Trump, his protection isn’t insignificance - there are plenty of people who would like to ensure he’s properly punished; instead, his protection comes from making it really difficult for someone who wants to punish him to be successful in that endeavor. He has a lot of money and influence, so he can hire good lawyers that can drag out the expensive legal process - something he can afford, but a lot of people who might try to go after him can’t. His lawyers are also good enough to find loopholes in the law to avoid punishment, so even if you can afford a cheap lawyer for a long time, he’ll likely still walk away unscathed. He’s also shown that he has the ability to influence what judge gets put on trials he’s a part of, which is another factor that influences whether or not he might get punished for the crime.
Ultimately, you’d have to have a rock-solid case presented by a team of very good lawyers working non-stop for months to years in order to bring Trump to justice, and the only people who reasonably have that power are almost exclusively on his side to begin with. Trump has knowingly committed multiple major crimes, and has shown that he has the ability to prevent them from hurting him, so he knows that he has virtually no chance to be punished for minor crimes, and commits them openly all the time.
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 4 months ago:
Yeah, that’s the family history of inbreeding that I was talking about - if you continuously have children within the family for multiple generations then the risk continues to rise so long as the trend continues. It’s generally only the risk of getting 2 copies of some familial recessive condition or other issues that arise from getting identical copies of genetic information from both parents, though, so breaking the chain and having a kid with someone outside of the family removes that risk; even if someone has a family history of inbreeding, it doesn’t put their potential children at risk so long as their partner isn’t related to them.
- Comment on Gandalf failed to consider incest, half my ancestors are related baby 4 months ago:
Inbreeding generally stops being a notable factor around 4th degree relation between parents. Even first cousins, 3rd degree relatives, only have about a 6% risk of an anomaly at birth when having a child together, compared to the 3% normal rate for all pregnancies.
- Comment on Tradition 4 months ago:
- Comment on I hate that that happens 5 months ago:
Nah, it’s referring to the first space by grouping the first and second words, “Pig” and “And,” and then referring to the second space by grouping the second and third words, “And” and “Whistle.”
- Comment on Mha heart 5 months ago:
“Thank you I came in 30 seconds.”
- Comment on Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
Looks cool, but I worry that they’ve got so many different enemies pulling in different directions that they won’t really get into an interesting story for any of them. The reason I loved Origins was because it really focused on the darkspawn, both in terms of the lore surrounding them, and the effect their invasion has on society. Then the DLC came out and teased that the darkspawn are more than they appear to be, setting up for future games to delve into that even more. It was great, but then the next couple of games came out and didn’t seem to have that same feeling of depth, and I lost interest. If the game is just a checklist of different things to kill, I’m not really interested in playing it.
- Comment on Chat, what do you see? 5 months ago:
When you accidentally grab a blank slide and panic for a little bit.
- Comment on Nintendo, famed for hating emulation, likely using Windows PCs to emulate SNES games at its museum 5 months ago:
They’re a company - their only purpose is to make money. They don’t hate emulation, they hate not making the absolute maximum amount of money they possibly can. Public use of emulation lowers their profits, while their own use of emulation helps increase their profits. It’s not some weird enigma or hypocrisy - money is the singular driving factor for every company; every action they take traces back to making more money. This is why we need much tighter regulation instead of trusting companies to “be reasonable” or “do the right thing.”
- Comment on I used to hate QR codes. But they're actually genius 5 months ago:
Maybe just this once, for old time’s sake.
- Comment on Cereal 6 months ago:
I make Special K bars for get-togethers every once in awhile, and I sometimes get people who ask me if they’re healthy. I always tell them that nothing in them is even the slightest bit healthy except the Special K itself, and even that’s debatable.
- Comment on OK yes I'm dumb so what 6 months ago:
I think they’re talking about “justified” madness. Realistic madness is just seeing things that aren’t there, or reacting extremely to mundane stimuli, but if you had somehow been given comprehension of some higher truth about the world that nobody else would ever believe, the actions you take as a result of that knowledge might seem crazy to those around you, even if they’re perfectly logical from your enlightened perspective.
- Comment on OK yes I'm dumb so what 6 months ago:
I’ve seen this image floating around for a while, which breaks down the reasoning - or lack thereof in certain media - pretty well.
- Comment on RIP 6 months ago:
My groups usually think of them as a powerful fey creature who sometimes just whisks people away for an indeterminate amount of time, only to bring them back later.
- Comment on Crystals 7 months ago:
My mom died of cancer a few months ago because she was convinced that a combination of sunlight’s natural vibrational frequency and some expensive “medical” herbal teas would cure her. Placebos affect people, but if you let them believe that they’re an alternative to actual science and medicine, then they’ll use them as such.