- Comment on Scarlett Johansson Wants Marvel Fans to Let Black Widow Go: ‘Let Her Have Her Hero Moment’ 1 day ago:
They got her early. She had a few solid credits to her name when she did Iron Man 2, but the smart MCU move at that point was to recruit young-ish talent and get them signed on for multi-movie contracts relatively cheap. Hopefully what we all get out of that sort of arrangement is that talented actors make enough MCU money to go off and do whatever out-there artsy stuff that creatively appeals to them and fosters their talents, rather than having to plug away in garbage movies just to pay the bills.
- Comment on Trump revokes collective bargaining rights at TSA to crush union 6 days ago:
Boss: I’ve decided to pay you shit wages and expect you to work nightmare hours.
Union: We’ve all banded together and would collectively like to tell you that we prefer better wages and more reasonable hours, or else we will strike.
Boss: I’ve decided you can’t do that, or else.
Union: Yes, or else, indeed. That’s the core concept here.
Call his fuckin’ bluff, or else you don’t really have a union at all.
- Comment on Which movie do you feel has the most wasted potential? 1 week ago:
My theory is that Jupiter Ascending was supposed to be a trilogy, but the studio would only approve one movie with a wait-and-see approach to the second and third installments, and the Wachowskis just said “Fuck it,” and crammed 6+ hours of plot and world building into a two-hour movie.
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 1 week ago:
The idea did occur that I’d better be damn sure that I like whatever honey I’ll be eating for the rest of my life.
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 81 comments
- Comment on answer me, gregory 1 week ago:
I definitely assume that Palmetto Cheese is just ground-up palmetto bugs.
- Comment on Common Ground 2 weeks ago:
There’s a quote from Robert A. Heinlein that I like to bring up:
Of what use, then, are the American Communists?
They serve one function extremely useful to you and to the country, so useful that, if there were no Communists, we would almost be forced to create some. They are a reliable litmus paper for detecting real sources of danger to the Republic.
Communism is so repugnant to almost all Americans, when they are getting along even tolerably well, that one may predict with certainty that any social field or group in which the Communists make real strides in gaining members or acceptance of their doctrines, any such spot is in such bad shape from real and not imaginary social ills that the rest of us should take emergency, drastic action to investigate and correct the trouble.
Replace “Communist” with “Conservative” and the quote works the exact same way. People don’t take on awful political views in a total vacuum. Their lives and futures got messed up somehow, and in all probability by vast forces beyond their comprehension, let alone their control. And then they went looking for what felt like real answers, and someone was willing to say to them “I’ve got the solution to your problems.”
On some level, their grievances are real. They just got sold on a lie about what could be done to fix them.
- Comment on Now what the hell came next 2 weeks ago:
“She’s just one of the girls, she is not one of those one-in-a-million. As if to have and to hold would be holding me down with love and addiction. I think I’ve found someone, I’ve found someone to help me work it out…”
Kind of a soft alternative pop song from the mid-90s. I grew up in the northeast and listened to a lot of TMBG, Violent Femmes, and Talking Heads, so it’s possible that it’s from someone slightly adjacent to them, but it also might have just been on the pop radio station. It’s not “One In A Million” by Bosson, Ne-Yo, Aaliyah, or Trixter. I’m pretty sure I didn’t dream its existence.
- Comment on meirl 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 3 weeks ago:
And nobody thought to install some glass breakers on the bottom of their boots?
- Comment on Yeah I'm Bi, how did you know? 4 weeks ago:
Dimethylmercury is an extremely toxic organomercury compound with the formula (CH3)2Hg. A volatile, flammable, dense and colorless liquid, dimethylmercury is one of the strongest known neurotoxins. Less than 0.1 mL is capable of inducing severe mercury poisoning resulting in death.
I remember hearing the story of Karen Wetterhahn, a chemistry professor who specialized in toxic metal exposure and who was using all of the recommended precautions, who got a couple of drops of the stuff on a glove and died less than a year later.
- Comment on Yeah I'm Bi, how did you know? 4 weeks ago:
Don’t forget mercury!
- Comment on [Discussion] Which movie trailers were the most deceptive regarding the actual content of the movie? 4 weeks ago:
The trailer for Dragon Wars promised me scenes of dragons fighting attack helicopters. This scene did appear in the movie… for about thirty seconds. The rest was an incomprehensible mess of flashbacks within flashbacks and Korean folklore that amounted to very little.
- Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 4 weeks ago:
There are always copies of The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran. There are always copies of The Two Towers or Return of the King, but frequently no copies of The Fellowship of the Ring. There are always copies of the Chronicles of Narnia books, but never an entire set from the same printing. The staff will always have an author that they will defend their excellent writing while acknowledging that they were horrible human beings, e. g. H. P. Lovecraft, Ernest Hemingway, and recently we get to add Neil Gaiman. If you’re very lucky, someone came in and sold a first autographed edition that’s worth $100+ but the buyer screwed the pooch and priced it at $10.
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 4 weeks ago:
If you go through years of education, learn nothing, and all you get is a piece of paper, then you’ve just wasted thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars on a worthless document. You can go down to FedEx and print yourself a diploma on nice paper for a couple of bucks.
If you don’t actually learn anything at college, you’re quite literally robbing yourself.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I only just learned about it today, myself. I work that day, but I might be able to shift things around.
I really wish that these protests were more widely shared in advance. I want to be involved, but only getting a couple of days advance warning makes it really hard. I know that sometimes you have to act fast, but if you want your movement to succeed then you’ve got to try to consider the real lives of all of the people who want to help, but are also really limited in their time. Plan protests on weekends, and if you’ve got to protest on a weekday, then plan it way ahead of time and give everyone a chance to plan to be there. I’m sure it looks better to have one big protest with 10X people there than ten protests with 1X people attending.
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 1 month ago:
My theory, at least for purposes of The Terminator, is that after Judgment Day, there were some human holdouts in Austria who sent troops to help fight Skynet, so that’s why an Austrian accent would be assigned to an infiltration unit.
I have nothing to say about Terminator 3. That was like three or four timeline modifications later. There’s bound to be some reality degradation.
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 1 month ago:
“Yes, both of them! What would be the point of just one?!”
- Comment on Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects 1 month ago:
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 1 month ago:
Honestly, watching and thinking about the Pixar movie Inside Out helped me understand my anger a lot better. In the movie, Anger is kind of a joke character. But there’s a line when he’s introduced where Joy says “Anger wants things to be fair.”
I think a lot about how when I’m angry, most of the time there’s some imbalance that I want balanced, and I’m looking to inflict pain, either physical or emotional, in order to balance it out. The vast majority of times, that’s not actually a winning strategy, either in terms of long or short term goals.
It doesn’t always work, but trying to think in terms of what I actually want, why I want it, and what impulses and aims are leading to my feelings, has been a lot of help to not feeling so much like I’m being helplessly driven by my anger.
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 1 month ago:
Bowtie, but make it a little bit smaller.
- Comment on Is it wrong to not have a disabled child solely to avoid forcing the child to suffer their whole life? 1 month ago:
I personally know a person with a child who was born with profound physical and mental disabilities. She’s a dear sweet caring person, and she shared an emotionally devastating story about how she had her first “conversation” with her daughter when said daughter was in her early twenties, which took the form of the daughter being able to indicate, through extraordinary effort, that she preferred to be read one story instead of another.
For her, this was a deeply rewarding moment, the ability to have any kind of deliberate interaction with her daughter, after nearly two decades of struggle and effort. She clearly loves her daughter. I would never try to take anything away from her in that regard.
However. When my wife got pregnant we had very serious conversations about the potential for birth defects and how we were prepared for her to have an abortion if serious defects were found. We talked about the quality of life of a human being we were bringing into existence, and how no one should ever have to feel trapped by their own body, and what our experience of being parents was going to be like.
Our daughter was born without any issues at all. In fact she’s bright and friendly and less destructive than we might have expected… and still being a parent is easily the most intense and difficult project of my entire life, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Nobody should ever have any reservations about being a parent for any reason at all, and if there are factors that you can control to make that decision easier one way or the other, then you should absolutely take control of them.
All of which is to say, no there is absolutely no moral issue with choosing not to deliberately create a person with genetic birth defects. The choice to become a parent is the most important and consequential choice anyone can make. Make it in exactly the way that you would want to make it, and in no other way whatsoever.
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 2 months ago:
Adam Smith does pretty well. I’d say it’s Marxism, mushroom guides, and beekeeping that remain consistently at the top of the rankings. Then you’ve got whatever fiction is currently hot. For a while there it was Where the Crawdads Sing or Demon Copperhead. Sarah J. Maas is currently enjoying an extended streak of very strong sales. The Twilight series went through a bit of a low ebb for a while there but for some reason it’s been selling quite well again lately. Harry Potter used to be a rock solid seller, but one can see that J. K.'s attempts to alienate her fan base have been at least partially successful. It’s interesting to see the trends develop over time.
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 2 months ago:
I work at a used book store. Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto is a great seller, one of the best selling titles we ever get in, in fact. As a result, we keep raising the resale price on the thing each time a new one comes in, and it keeps selling. I’ve never had to mark down a Communist Manifesto for sitting on the shelf for too long. It’s a textbook example of supply and demand in action… and I think that Karl would kind of hate that.
- Comment on Caption this. 2 months ago:
He became the devil.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 months ago:
You know what you call a doctor who got all Cs throughout college?
- Comment on Anons make the worst game ever 2 months ago:
Equipment can be upgraded, but only through an enormous amount of tedious grind for tiny incremental improvements.
By halfway through the upgrade tree, all the equipment is overpowered and will make any box fight trivial. All additional upgrades are meaningless.
You don’t get to see the real ending unless you fully upgrade all the equipment.
- Comment on The Greatest Cover Song of All Time? 2 months ago:
It’s a long listen, but I’m a fan of the extended Tainted Love / Where Did Our Love Go from Soft Cell
- Comment on New Virtua Fighter Project Teaser Trailer 2 months ago:
Awesome. Can we get a new Bushido Blade, while we’re at it?