- Comment on Why do we put up with this crap? 6 months ago:
Seriously tho, like reddit was autistic enough but now you gotta be even more niche enough to know about smaller better reddit.
- Comment on New tech discovered 6 months ago:
You’re late lol. Phone assistants such as Siri, Bixby, Google Assistant etc. have already been AI search engines for years. People just didn’t really consider it until it got more advanced but it’s always been there.
- Comment on A kick right in the selbstbild 6 months ago:
Yea they brought it up on themselves lmao
- Comment on Anon gives dating advice 10 months ago:
I work in a school and I see all the kids as children that must be protected. But damn my attraction to milfs skyrocketed once I started meeting more moms.
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
Yea but fuck the security torx screws. Also hot take, but underrated screw goes to tri-wing/Y. They’d be great screws if they weren’t security screws as well.
- Comment on The world has become Applefied. 10 months ago:
I think there’s now a law about the modernization/regulation of fast food restaurants. Just so we don’t have a bunch of leftover Pizza Hut buildings anymore when a store closes.
- Comment on The world has become Applefied. 10 months ago:
Jokes on you, they dont need to anymore :)
- Comment on Quest 1 becomes near-E-waste Apr 30 11 months ago:
Not quite homebrew, but SideQuest is the least hassle free solution for many alternatives and games.
- Comment on Don't call before 9, my minutes aren't free 11 months ago:
I still have my phone set that way. I turn off all notifications that aren’t messages. Though, I guess now it all goes through my watch first.
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
I got a larger air fryer that has now replaced my small convection oven, microwave, and toaster. If anything, it’s reduced my counter appliances.
- Comment on "I wish you well in your future endeavors" 11 months ago:
Correct. That’s the nature of it, now add generational trauma on top and you get our current society. Testosterone is a hell of a drug.
- Comment on "I wish you well in your future endeavors" 11 months ago:
Exactly this. As a dude, I sometimes feel like I have to be the one to stand up and say something because I have more authority in THEIR minds. I swear some guys just hear women speaking as white noise.
- Comment on "I wish you well in your future endeavors" 11 months ago:
As a male, it’s somewhat our jobs to teach the next generation that this behavior is not okay.
Not saying you have to be super active about it, but it’s no wonder some women are afraid of men. They’re much stronger and sometimes just straight up unhinged from generations of telling other men to stfu, man up, and go to war to fight for your country for no reason.
It’ll take a few more generations, but I really do hope we can break this cycle of abuse. It does kind of help that women have become smarter with their rights and they’re not going to reproduce with these types of men, but clearly the issue is still relevant because rejection could lead to death.
- Comment on Steam :: Introducing Steam Families 11 months ago:
That doesn’t mean that implementing fail safes would still be nice. I think Google has it so that your information can be dumped into another family’s email if the account hasn’t been active in 500 days or something along those lines.
Why not just have a select Steam inheritor account if inactive for more than XXXX amount of days. It could also crack down on dead steam accounts.
- Comment on She did her best ok? 11 months ago:
Then we teach them?? They’re not gonna know if we don’t be good role models for them, but doesn’t mean they can’t learn.
- Comment on suck it, math nerds 11 months ago:
Technically you can’t measure anything accurately because there’s an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 0. Whose to say it’s exactly 1? It could be off by an infinite amount of 0s and 1.
Achilles and the Tortoise paradox.
- Comment on Le origin story 1 year ago:
Tbh it’s best that you don’t. It requires knowledge you’re better off living the rest of your life without knowing.
- Comment on JK Rowling prefers two years in jail over using correct pronouns 1 year ago:
It’s about the influential power. She’s presenting a potentially dangerous rhetoric. She really does have the power to create a new wave of hate if she really wanted to.
- Comment on Flashback - Mark Zuckerberg on billionaires: 'No one deserves to have that much money' 1 year ago:
Sounds like he’s been humbled by the Metaverse’s failure. Big money also means big losses one day.
Jeff Bezos recently pledged to donate about $124b for charity and fighting climate change. It really seems like these billionaires have been hit by 3 ghosts.
Still eat the rich, but I guess there’s been some good news from them.
- Comment on Popular science Youtuber Hank Green is in remission 1 year ago:
Even when he announced it. It’s crazy that in 2023, some can go “I got cancer. It’ll suck, but I’ll be fine.”
Just a few decades ago it was the biggest scare to have cancer and it will terminally end your life.
- Comment on Noooooo you can't make a microtransactions free game and finished too 😭😭😭 1 year ago:
Xenoblade 3 is a Nintendo exclusive. Baldur’s Gate is unique to me because a game like this hasn’t clicked with me since Dragon Age Origins.
- Comment on Dogs 1 year ago:
White girls