It’s not generational trauma, as much as it is an attempt to feel powerful. It’s common for male macaques, chimpanzees, gorilla’s to assert dominance through violence. Especially when they don’t get their way. Females developed behaviors to avoid/combat male aggression. Such as simply letting a male mount them to avoid getting bitten more. It’s not forced copulation if you cooperate! That’s how chimps do. Who incidentally have the highest rates of violence against females of any primate. Which is impressive considering how violent they already are.
And humans are no different.
Women developed multiple behaviours that lower male aggression specifically. Crying and smiling both lower male aggression. Hence why women smile more and especially when nervous. Or cry more easily in stressful situations. Every girl I grew up with, was always cautious about rejecting a boy’s advances to avoid getting them angry. And so are the women, for good reason.
Men don’t just have a greater capacity for violence. They are more violent. 11 months ago
Dude, I’m a woman. And yeah random men are routinely terrifying out of nowhere. The only reason I don’t do the HR speak thing is because a) I don’t date men by nature of being a married lesbian and b) if I don’t feel safe calling you out on your bullshit I avoid you before I have to call you out on your bullshit. My time and safety are too valuable. 11 months ago
Exactly this. As a dude, I sometimes feel like I have to be the one to stand up and say something because I have more authority in THEIR minds. I swear some guys just hear women speaking as white noise.