- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
This sounds like a great first step for him. I’m guessing it doesn’t feel great that support for you is conditional on you receiving mental health counseling. There are a few conditions that might look like gender dysphoria but are not (Dissociative Identity Disorder, in which a person has multiple parts living in the same brain, some of which may be a different gender, and Borderline Personality Disorder may lead some people to constantly switch identities), but generally speaking, and even with those disorders, it’s best practice to trust the person that says they are transgender and support them however they need.
Mental health counseling may still be a good idea for you. First, it’s good to establish a relationship with a mental health provider who can write letters of support for you to give to pcps and surgeons to help you receive any care you might need. Second, transgender people often have co-occurieg mental health issues. This is largely due to your identity being rejected during childhood, which causes gender minority stress. Some have theorized that DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) might be a good fit for people with gender dysphoria. And mindfulness, anecdotally, has been very good for me personally dealing with dysphoria. It is not a replacement for transitioning, though. A self guided transition still has the most evidence supporting its efficacy. And mental health should not be a prerequisite to transition related healthcare, even though it unfortunately is sometimes.
I am a social work student, not a mental health professional, so take what I say with a big grain of salt.
- Comment on How did gravity worked on the Death Star? 7 months ago:
the Death Stars are mostly hallow
Our Death Star, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy empire come, thy will be done, On Alderaan as it is in heaven, Give us this day our daily rations, And forgive us our rebellion, As we forgive those who rebel against us, And lead us not to the light side, But deliver us from the Jedi, For thine is the empire, and the unlimited power, and the dark side forever, Amen
- Comment on Never believe the hype. 7 months ago:
How many people did burger king get sick because they refused to pay him to stay home when he should’ve
- Comment on How long does it take for neurotypical (or just typical) people to get over a minor fight? 7 months ago:
I don’t know that you are actually asking the question that you want an answer to. So here’s an answer: it’s okay for each of you to take the amount of time that you are taking to recover. But it also sounds like you both may not be understanding each other’s feelings or feeling like your feelings are being understood. Couples therapy might be helpful. I also recommend “Non violent communication” by Marshall Rosenberg. It’s essentially an extension of the therapisty thing of using “I feel” language.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
The answers here are absolutely crazy. Go find some credible biblical scholars (ones whose jobs are not dependent on statements of faith) like Bart ehrman and read what they say. My understanding is that most scholars agree that Jesus existed, and even that he was crucified. Don’t trust lemmy, don’t even trust me, go find the experts, read what they say, and decide for yourself.
- Comment on Anon reflects on e-sports 8 months ago:
(me too)
- Comment on "Select a size" when it's just standard paper towel roll. Literally the same way it's always been. 8 months ago:
And I’ve seen plenty of the older square sizes still being sold, so it’s still necessary to mark the different sizes
- Comment on The longer I look, the more confused I get. What is this marketing? 11 months ago:
Even if you tilt the picture so the world outside is right-side-up, the cabinets are still not right
- Comment on Schrodingers Bomb 1 year ago:
The goal of the game is to click on all of the squares without a bomb, without clicking on any square with a bomb. Each number represents exactly how many bombs are touching that square, including diagonally. When you logically narrow down which square has a bomb in it (E.g. because there is only one unclicked square touching a square with a 1), you put a flag on it, representing that there’s a bomb underneath it. In this image, there is a square with a number 4. This square is touching three flagged squares, representing three bombs, and two squares that may or may not have a bomb. We know that there must be one more bomb touching the 4, but it’s impossible to narrow down which square has the bomb. So you have to click on one of the squares, and there’s a 50/50 chance that either you guess right, or you step on a bomb and lose the game. It’s a fairly common scenario in an expert level game.
- Comment on I'm 99% sure it's not real 1 year ago:
I interned at a mechanical engineering firm. We contracted out field workers to do the real work at construction sites, installing big hvac systems, while we coordinated between them and the general contractor. Much of engineering is about designing things using math and cad
- Comment on What is the name of this type of image 1 year ago:
This looks like a nasa image in their series “earth at night”. Looks like they do this every few years; they did one in 2012 and in 2016. Every once in a while I get a hankering to check it out, and for a while I could never remember what they were called.
Here’s the USA specific one from 2016:…/photograph-united-states-night
Here’s the global version:…/page3.php
- Comment on Why does “come here” bother me so much? 1 year ago:
I hope it helps!
- Comment on Why does “come here” bother me so much? 1 year ago:
“Hey hubby, I’m not sure why, but when you say “Hey come here” to me, I feel really stressed as I’m walking to you not knowing whether it’s a good ‘come here’ or a bad ‘come here’. Can we workshop a way to communicate that doesn’t feel so stressful to me? Could you say something like “hey, babe, something is happening wherever/whatever, come see this.”?”
Tell him what you are feeling until he understands and wants to help you feel less stressed. Another option is to ask while you are walking, something simple like “good or bad?”