- Comment on So the flurry of flying embers that were blowing around in California, is that commonly how fire spreads? 1 month ago:
Some birds like use smoke as a way to fumigate their feathers, so will pick up embers and take them somewhere, as this is safer than standing next to a fire.
- Comment on CIA propaganda down the drain 1 month ago:
They clearly state they don’t use child labour, because the little cunts are too inefficient apparently. (Multiple reports show that children are specifically used in Chinese factories, including assembly lines for Apple and Samsung, because their small hand are better at assembling components.)
- Comment on Who's Tom and who was he peeping? 1 month ago:
Defying the laws of gravity?
- Comment on In fact he is still the president. 1 month ago:
Half the comments on Lemmy are people fact checking one another.
- Comment on Why is Green and Red the colors of Christmas? 2 months ago:
Christmas has always been a celebration of mid winter ( more specifically the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere,) as far back as records go there has always been some variety of taking a evergreen tree as a symbol of the return of the sun. Red might be part of the evergreens berries (holly), but mostly it’s because coca cola advertised with a picture of St Nicklaus dressed in their corporate colours, instead of the traditional green.
- Comment on Why is Green and Red the colors of Christmas? 2 months ago:
Red for coca cola. To clarify.
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
Hard to tell without trimming the bush.
- Comment on Need those unit conversions 2 months ago:
h = 6.626 070 15 x 10–32 kg m2 s–1.
- Comment on Stat of the day 2 months ago:
You from New Zealand? Look in the mirror and say “can’t”.
- Comment on Do you think being left-handed gives any unique qualities or advantages compares to other right handed? 2 months ago:
There a fine line between genius and insanity. Apparently that’s the line between left and right.
- Comment on What are the best anti-work movies? 3 months ago:
Anything in the Alien universe.
- Comment on What are the best anti-work movies? 3 months ago:
Go to work? Fuck that, I’m watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy instead.
- Comment on Drink the climate change away 3 months ago:
You don’t already?
- Comment on Drink the climate change away 3 months ago:
OK, but…that entire tank contains less CO² than the average car emits every kilometre. I don’t think soda stream are contributing massively to global warming. The fact that it’s an Israeli company with a history of exploitation of Palestinian labor, complicity in settlement expansion, and continued violations of Palestinian human rights, is a very good reason not to use it.
- Comment on Why isn't Putin receiving the same level of hate than people like Trump and Elon are? 3 months ago:
After accidentally shooting yourself twice in the back of your head.
- Comment on I don't think it's a mistake... 4 months ago:
- Comment on Yes No 5 months ago:
- Comment on Yes No 5 months ago:
- Comment on oh shit 5 months ago:
She could have at least switched to lightmode first.
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 5 months ago:
Since the award is for removing your ability to spread your genes, any self-inflicted stupid act that resulted in, eg castration, should be considered eligible.
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 5 months ago:
That was also implied.
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 5 months ago:
As if she’s in heaven.
- Comment on Should we consider Jesus a zombie? 6 months ago:
Who are Christians.
- Comment on DON'T FUCK WITH THE MOUSE 6 months ago:
He’s a long-lost pal.
- Comment on My Empire of Podsols 6 months ago:
*Trent Reznor’s camp brother.
- Comment on can you smoke bacteria out of meat boiling it? 6 months ago:
It doesn’t matter how you cook it, cooking it thoroughly will kill the bacteria. However, some bacteria leave toxins behind and cooking won’t get rid of those. Basically don’t eat rotten meat, the best way to tell if it’s rotten is looking for discolouration and it smelling really bad, although this can also be a good thing in some aged meats like game or beef. BTW, beef turning brown when the packet is opened is normal. Supermarkets fill the packets with inert gas to artificially keep the meat looking red.
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 6 months ago:
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. If you have to click through 10 shitty videos before finding the one you’re looking for, that’s 10x more engagement to sell to advertisers.
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 6 months ago:
We should probably stop using that word and just call it by it’s proper name, "Capitalism”. The only way for an ad revenue based business to drive growth is to force more and more ads on users, and flood their platform with bots to increase engagement numbers.
- Comment on The 4th Gen Mitsubishi Delica 6 months ago:
It’s more a case of some genius in Japan wanting to know what would happen if you put a van body on a Mitsubishi Shogun.
- Comment on Anon tries to connect with a coworker 6 months ago:
She’s not disappointed with the answer, she’s disappointed anon didn’t ask her back.