Needs more fucked hands imo
Also fuck whoever came up with this self mutilating move at Disney
Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
Needs more fucked hands imo
Also fuck whoever came up with this self mutilating move at Disney
They are a corporate lawyer, so they probably do take a lot of pride in fucking people over.
I mean, yeah. The fun thing is they get paid by Disney to fuck with their brand trust too
maybe it’s like vent art. that’s p much the vibe all my Christmas mornings had. not that I consider genAI art but like, you know what I mean. whatever let’s you cope.
Remember when this meme wasn’t AI generated?
That’s a real thing right?
I remember seeing that like one and a half decade ago, and it already had its edits back then, mainly by the online atheist community, who liked to edit the “santa isn’t real” to “god isn’t real”.
Loving this meme format.
Aaaaaaand that’s the chorus and melody of “Smokin’ Joe Rudeboy” stuck in my head again.
Too busy trying if they could
Instead of thinking if they should.
This is what happens when you give too much corporate power to lawyer technocrats, and a “Cut all possible expenses TODAY” short-term myopia, “I don’t care what may happen TOMORROW, I’m just looking at TODAY!”
Things quickly turn mindlessly, banally sociopathic from there.
Thank You.
Thank god, finally not another car. I would subscribe to disney plus trial and jump from the top of Spaceship Earth in Epcot instead of seeing another Fiat Multipla clone. 7 months ago
weird that AI figured out flip the bird hand, but can’t get just a normal hand right 7 months ago
The middle finger is a symbol, a static formation of the fingers that the algorithm can easily learn from many common examples.
There’s a lot more diversity, nuance, and lack of structure that goes into how hands wrap around objects to hold them, what they do when idle, etc. 7 months ago
Relatable. I also don’t know what to do with my hands when I’m not flipping a bird 7 months ago
Priorities 7 months ago
Who’s Al and why is everyone talking about him so much? 7 months ago
I don’t know. I think he’s some weird guy who makes music. 7 months ago
He’s a long-lost pal.