- Comment on almonds 3 months ago:
From what I understand, you would probably have to pay geologists extra (and I guess archaeologists) to not lick stuff they dig out of the ground.
- Comment on How much can we hope is being put in place behind the scenes at the US federal level to mitigate the damage Trump will do? Can any of it be effective? 3 months ago:
There are some things they can do like agreements/contracts going several years into the future, but the problem is anything they can do that on its face locks in the next admin, can be undone by the courts…which they now control at the highest level by a 6-3 majority, which at best remains only a 6-3 majority for the next 4 years and probably much much longer than that. Thomas will retire in this admin and they’ll get a new young ultra conservative in his place.
They’re gonna fuck everything up. They promised to.
They have a razor thin margin in Congress though, so anything requiring purse strings (money) our best hope is that they’re just really dysfunctional (which we know they are) and fight too much about how much to hurt other people to get much done.
But yeah, it’s looking dark.
- Comment on 2025 is set to bring a ‘manager crash’ after all that burnout and lack of support adds up 3 months ago:
I have a coworker who should be running my whole department, she knows the business inside and out, knows all the major players in other companies and is straightforward with no bs. She has turned down the job so many times and after a while I slowly began to get it.
- Comment on SHAME. 3 months ago:
I think the best redirect would be to convince them to “self-pasteurize” their milk. You can make an entire ecosystem of grift products on the best home pasteurizers to avoid harmful toxins or whatever the current buzzword is.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 months ago:
This is why the “secret scientists don’t want you to know” always turns out to be some pseudoscience bs that at best is misinformation and at worst is actively harming people. So, yes, they are things scientists don’t want you to know.
- Comment on Quantum 4 months ago:
Quantum is when two things at the same time
- Comment on Stop Wasting Pumpkins! 4 months ago:
Frequently, yes.
- Comment on Henry Cavill to Star in ‘Voltron’ for Amazon MGM 5 months ago:
All I want out of this is Henry Cavill in a poorly made Voltron costume fighting Kaiju in a Godzilla-style miniature city.
- Comment on Oxygen 6 months ago:
So you’re telling me if I stop breathing I’ll never get older? I’m in!
- Comment on What does "blackpilled" mean? 6 months ago:
So… nihilism?
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
The Report of the Committee Appointed by the Royal Society to Consider of the Best Method of Adjusting the Fixed Points of Thermometers; And of the Precautions Necessary to Be Used in Making Experiments with Those Instruments
Seems fancy and legit, I see no reason to actually read it and confirm the info.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
I like this version better than “he had a fever when he measured 100 degrees” so I will choose to believe it without further research.
I hope you are correct.
- Comment on SubSpace 7 months ago:
Imagine having to make up an entire series of math lectures just to cover up your search history.
- Comment on CHIPS Act update: Intel runs out of time and money, announces layoffs in US to double down on China 7 months ago:
Never learning any lessons
The rich are now richer than they have ever been in history while we grumble about it on the internet. I think they just didn’t learn the lesson we might have liked them to have learned…
- Comment on Oh god, that can't be good... 8 months ago:
- Comment on anon has movie night 8 months ago:
You don’t need to self-flagellate about a mistake years ago, for the rest of your life.
Cool, I’ll just tell my brain about that.
- Comment on corporate greed 8 months ago:
Well, $1 from you and 100 other people. Those politician
bribescampaign donations are cheap compared to the aggregate profit they make off them. - Comment on Coconuts 🥥 9 months ago:
“Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?”
- Comment on The Conscience of the Wig 9 months ago:
As you can see, they never will. You must seize the wig.
- Comment on Hedgehogs 9 months ago:
Gotta go fast!
-Ancient Middle Eastern Philosopher, probably
- Comment on U.S. workers are less satisfied with nearly every aspect of their jobs than they were a year ago, survey finds 9 months ago:
Overall job satisfaction among U.S. employees increased a modest 0.4 percentage points in 2023 from the year prior, according to the Conference Board’s annual Job Satisfaction survey released this month. A 62.7% majority of respondents reported being content at work last year, the highest share since the survey began in 1987.
But that record doesn’t tell the whole story: Worker sentiment fell across all 26 subcomponents of job satisfaction measured in the poll, which collected responses online from 1,699 working U.S. adults in November.
- Comment on god entered my body 9 months ago:
When you open the door it says:
MY SA _______ME SIZE”
Which makes roughly the same amount of sense.
- Comment on hotwheels sisyphus 10 months ago:
And now I want to know the deep meaning behind all of those Chinese knockoff tee shirts that I thought were just poorly translated.
- Comment on Solve a puzzle for me 10 months ago:
I’m silly, there isn’t even a wolf.
Classic human hallucination
- Comment on Solve a puzzle for me 10 months ago:
The training data…
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Probably somewhere around the time they realized referring to themselves as “actual women” was not a particularly inclusive, or kind, look.
- Comment on Why are male social workers so different? 10 months ago:
He was just spit balling
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 10 months ago:
No no no, we need to dig down to the magma to release the pressure!
- Comment on Wise words from Master 10 months ago:
Enjoy it, I wish I could go back and play MGS1 for the first time again. Such a good game.
- Comment on Evolution isn't linear. 10 months ago:
Technically, it is very much linear. It’s just it doesn’t always go the way we feel like it should.