- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 3 weeks ago:
But this will make the cost of eggs go down!/s
- Comment on Is it normal for high sugar contents like in cake icing to make my uvula tickle? 5 weeks ago:
Ugh, it would be awful lol
- Comment on Is it normal for high sugar contents like in cake icing to make my uvula tickle? 5 weeks ago:
Me too and then I was like, have I been missing out on some sugar-related sexual experience this whole time!?
- Comment on The classic cycle 3 months ago:
- Comment on The classic cycle 3 months ago:
…Zavala, is that you?
- Comment on Sleep well tonight 3 months ago:
One or two pieces, sure. A whole fucking cabinet? No thanks.
- Comment on If you're in this meme, go buy a fibre supplement 4 months ago:
My grandma had these at her house and they were used so often they eventually fell apart. Years later I found a set of 6 at a thrift store and bought them for nostalgia’s sake and now I have all my snacks in them.
- Comment on DING DONG 5 months ago:
Ding fries are done
- Comment on Will COVID death rates of Republicans have a significant impact on the outcome of the presidential election? 5 months ago:
Interesting! Thanks for the link!
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 14 comments
- Comment on If Trump loses the election and flees to another country to avoid his sentencing in his (multiple) lawsuits, does the Secret Service have to go with him? 5 months ago:
So I looked into the USSS, and here from their FAQ: “Under Title 18, Section 3056, of the United States Code, agents and officers of the United States Secret Service can:
Carry firearms Execute warrants issued under the laws of the United States Make arrests without warrants for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony recognizable under the laws of the United States if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed such felony Offer and pay rewards for services and information leading to the apprehension of persons involved in the violation of the law that the Secret Service is authorized to enforce Investigate fraud in connection with identification documents, fraudulent commerce, fictitious instruments and foreign securities and Perform other functions and duties authorized by law”
This leads me to wonder just how many times a SS Agent witnessed Trump committing a felony in their presence but didn’t arrest him.
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 74 comments
- Comment on I have been to jail in the US. How come they always offer a bible instead of offering you different religious books like a quran? 6 months ago:
Yeah, they never gave a shit about that, it was all religious services on Sundays only. If I remember correctly there was Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist services, and I think maybe Wiccan.
- Comment on I have been to jail in the US. How come they always offer a bible instead of offering you different religious books like a quran? 6 months ago:
When I was in basic training in the U.S. Army in the late '90s, we were also offered free bibles and rosary beads and no other religious materials, although there were various services for many religions on Sundays that you were allowed to attend.
- Comment on Where Are You Supposed To Buy Pajama Shirts? 7 months ago:
They often come in sets of pants and a T-shirt, but like others have posted, most of my pajama shirts are old T-shirts that have become too holey to wear in public.
- Comment on every company right now 8 months ago:
My piece of shit phone case says “AI Autofocus” on it near the holes for the camera lenses and it’s ridiculous
- Comment on How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude? 9 months ago:
No she’s not. The water is very unclean, super soapy, and she does it “to save water”. There is often soap residue on the glasses and probably the dishes too, you can just see it easier on the glass. She wonders why she’s had stomach issues most of her adult life.
This is also the woman who once let a turkey thaw in her fridge, which then leaked raw turkey juice (bloody water) onto a half slice of watermelon that was on the shelf below it. She then ate the watermelon after washing it off in the sink “because it was wrapped in plastic and was still ok.” It was not ok, she got food poisoning.
I think she’s just unhygienic and has an “I’m always right” Boomer mentality.
- Comment on How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude? 9 months ago:
This is a tricky one. I think I’d just offer to help them prepare and then specifically ask to be put on vegetable duty. One of my aunts is like this, doesn’t wash veggies, doesn’t rinse the soap off her dishes once she’s scrubbed them (!), so whenever I’m at her house I just offer to help.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I’m horrific at math, but even I know this shit. I do feel for her though. When you suck at math, even if the answer is easy and you have it right, you constantly second guess yourself because getting the right answer feels too easy, so surely I’m wrong, right? Because it’s math and I’m always wrong.
- Comment on Is the body of Christ gluten free? Asking for a friend. 11 months ago:
My mom us a retired Episcopalian priest. She said there are gluten-free wafers you can get if someone in the congregation needs them. She also said that it doesn’t have to be a wafer, one of her priest buddies once consecrated a pancake to make a point that it doesn’t matter what’s being consecrated, it’s all God’s creation.
Note: I am not religious and do not hold these beliefs myself
- Comment on apex predators 11 months ago:
An oldie but a goody
- Comment on Waffle Squarf 1 year ago:
Sounds like an Interdimensional Cable commercial off Rick and Morty
- Comment on AITA for doing a GoFundMe? (Details within.) 1 year ago:
Just do the Go-Fund Me. If you lose friends over it, those bastards shouldn’t be in your life anyway.
- Comment on AITA for doing a GoFundMe? (Details within.) 1 year ago:
Don’t assume you know anything about me.
OP doesn’t owe their friends any medical information, even when asking for money for medical bills.
- Comment on AITA for doing a GoFundMe? (Details within.) 1 year ago:
What’s worse: Having your friends MAYBE “think less” of you for asking for money to fund your medical needs (and if they do think less, they weren’t your friends anyway)…or death? Because this sounds like life or death, dude. A Go-Fund Me isn’t asking 1 person to foot the bill for a large amount, it’s asking many people to give a small amount. My cousin did a Go-Fund Me when she had brain cancer and sent it to everyone she knew, and we all donated.
Do you need the money fir actual medical bills, the ticket to NY, or both? I guess an alternative is taking out a medical bill loan (a quick Google search says they exist), but I don’t know much about them. You said you have good credit, so you should be able to get one. Just because you have debt doesn’t mean they won’t give you the loan.
I’m sorry you’re going through this, and that our American health care system is such shit.
- Comment on Why do dentists have such a bad reputation compared to other kinds of doctors? 1 year ago:
This reminds me of a joke: What do you call a person who fails medical school?
A dentist.